Prepare a file for upload. To get started with a template, follow the files attached to this article.
Go to Settings > Import & Export > Import from file.
Drop a file into the upload area or click on the area to select a file from your device. Alternatively, you can pick a file that you have uploaded previously from the Existing file drop-down list. You can import one file at a time. Supported file types are XLSX, XLS, and XML. A file should be no larger than 5 MB.
Select the import model from the Provet Cloud model drop-down list.
Select Next.
On the Mapping page, you help the system understand your source data. Map your source data to the Provet Cloud data fields as required.
The columns from your file are shown on the left side, along with any automatically mapped data fields.
Unmapped Provet Cloud fields are shown on the right. Drag the fields you need to the left to match them with your source columns.
Some fields may be required to map. You can find them in their own category on the right side.
Some fields may require sub-mapping. This means opening the field for editing using the white pen button once they are on the left side and making any required adjustments or mappings. For example, if you are importing items with different VAT (sales tax) percentages, you may need to match your data with groups in the system manually if the importer is not auto-mapping things successfully.
The Status column on the very left side shows the mapping status of the fields that have been mapped. If they are showing “Mapped”, everything should be fine, and if they are showing “Incomplete”, you should open the field for editing and check if all elements have been sub-mapped properly in there.
Select Next.
On the Preview and import page, you can preview the import results row-by-row and field-by-field. It will also indicate whether the imported object is new or if an existing object will be updated. Any errors are shown in red along with error messages, and you have the option to export errors as an Excel file. You can still proceed with the import even if you have some errors on it; in that case, rows without errors will be imported. The preview can also show some automatic calculations that the system will do. For more information, see Automatic Calculations in Import from File. Note that loading the preview may take some time, depending on the file size and data types involved.
After you have checked the preview, select Start import.
You will be directed to the import progress page, which allows you to follow the progress of the import. The import will be processed in the background, and you can leave or refresh the page if you want to. A green 'success' status is shown once everything is successfully completed. The total time it takes to complete the import will generally depend on the file size; typically, import should not take longer than a few minutes.
You can only edit the additional options of data fields in the mapping step once you have mapped them (that is, indicated a connection with your data or added new information by adding a field).
Some fields can be designated as key fields with the Use as key field option on the data field card. The system will then attempt to find existing objects in the database and update these instead of creating new items. Key field usage is critical if you want to update existing objects. If you have exported some data from the system and are looking to update it and then re-import, then typically, the object ID is used as a key field for matching as this is part of the export. Generally, any unique values can be good for key field usage. It is also possible to use several key fields at once for advanced cases.
If the file data column names are exactly the same as in Provet Cloud, auto-mapping should happen in the mapping step.
Auto-mapping can also happen for sub-mappable options. For example, if you name the item subgroups in the file in the same way as they are set up in Provet Cloud, automatic sub-mapping should happen.
You can also add new data (custom defaults) to the import by dragging a data field into the bottom area of the left side in the mapping step (area named “Drag + drop field here to add to import”). You can then use the white pen button to open the field for editing and use the “Replace all with default value” option to set a new default. All imported items will then get that value as their new default.
When uploading items, you can, as an advanced option, create subgroups directly with the import. This is what the item subgroup level 1, 2, and 3 fields are for. If you just want to map to existing subgroups, use the regular Item subgroup field.
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