When the invoice has been finalised, but payments have not yet been added on the invoice, create and use a credit note to cancel the invoice.
- Complete steps 1.-5. as in Credit and Refund a Finalised and Paid Invoice in Full. The credit note is created and the due sum is negative. If you created the credit note as a draft, you must finalise the credit note before moving on to adding payments.
- A pop-up message is shown at the bottom of the credit note page with a link to the original invoice. Select the link to go to the original invoice page.
- On the invoice page, the due sum shows the invoice sum that has not been paid yet. Under the Payments section, select the + Pay with credit note button. Note that this action cannot be undone (the payment cannot be cancelled on the invoice).
- Note that this option can only be used with full refunds (the credit note sum must match the 'to be paid' sum of the original invoice). To partially credit an invoice that has been finalised but not paid, you can use the credit the invoice, create new draft option to credit the original invoice, edit the items, and invoice again.
- Select the Verify credit note use checkbox and Confirm.
The invoice due sum changes to 0, and the payment row shows 'Credit invoice' as the payment type. The credit note due sum is now also 0, and the payment row shows 'Credit invoice' as the payment type.
See Also
Adding and Using Client Prepayments
Credit and Refund a Finalised and Paid Invoice in Full
Credit and Refund an Item or a Part of an Item
Credit and Create a New Invoice
Payments and Refunds (Nordhealth Pay)
Refunding Payments (Gravity Payments)
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