You can use prepayment balances from the client page or from an invoice page.
On the client page, go to the Billing tab and find the invoice in the Invoices section. When the client has prepayment balance available for use, the + Use prepayment button is available on the invoice row of unpaid invoices.
On the invoice page, scroll to the Payments section. When the client has prepayment balance available for use, the + Use prepayment button is available.
Select the Use prepayment button.
From the Select which prepayment to use first drop-down list, select the prepayment you want to use first. If the selected prepayment does not cover the whole due sum, the next prepayment on the client's account will be used for the rest.
Check and edit the amount if needed.
Select Apply.
If enabled in the department settings, prepayments added to a client's account in one department are also available in other departments. When a prepayment added on a different department has been used on an invoice, the payment row shows information about the internal transfer.
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