Add Appointment Reason Groups

  1. Go to Settings > Items & Lists > Reasons.

  2. In the Reason groups section, select + Add. The Create reason type group dialogue opens.

  3. Select the Clinic location you want to add the reason group for. If you do not select a clinic location, the reason group will be available for all clinic locations. Note: If reason groups are shared by all clinic locations, editing a reason group changes the information for all clinic locations. In addition, default items cannot be used if reason groups are shared and multiple clinic location item lists are used. If you want clinic locations to have individual editing privileges to their reason settings, it is not recommended that reason groups are shared.

  4. Give the reason group a Name and select Save to add the group.

You can edit or remove existing reason groups using the pen and trash bin buttons on the reason group row. Note that removing a reason group also removes all reasons that belong to it.


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