Appointment Confirmation and Reminder Settings

Default Settings

These settings are applied to all appointments by default, but you can also define appointment reason specific reminder settings.

To edit these settings, go to Settings > General > Clinic location > Booking Settings.

  • Appointment reminders sent before: Add how many hours or days before reminders are sent for scheduled appointments. The following setting defines whether this number is hours or days.

  • Appointment reminders send time type: Select whether reminders are sent hours or days before appointments.

  • Appointment reminder specific send time: If you selected the 'days' option, add the specific time of the day when reminders are sent.

For example: With the settings '2', 'Days' and '9:00', a reminder is sent 2 days before the appointment at 9:00.

Email Settings and SMS Settings

You can select whether confirmation and reminder messages are sent by email, SMS (text message), or both.

For email messages, you can select whether to include the appointment duration (if not selected, only the start time is included) and add a map and route directions. You can add texts for the email greeting, additional text for new clients, and additional instructions for confirmation messages and reminders.

Similarly, you can add texts for the SMS confirmation message, additional text for new clients, and text for reminders.

You can write directly in the fields or use text templates if they are available.

Note that when you make changes to the email and/or SMS confirmation or reminder texts, a confirmation message pops up asking if you want to update the changes to all unsent messages for existing appointments that have no reason type. Select Yes if you want to update unsent messages or No if you want to apply your changes only to new appointments.

Appointment Reason Specific Settings

When appointment reason specific confirmation and reminder settings has been set for the reason selected for an appointment, they are used for the confirmation and reminder messages instead of the default settings. If you do not specify reason specific settings for an appointment reason, the default settings are used for that appointment reason.

To edit these setting, go to Settings > Items & Lists > Reasons.

Online Booking Settings

If online booking is used in your Provet Cloud, the following settings are available for appointments booked by clients on your online booking page. In addition, the default and appointment reason specific confirmation and reminder message settings are used for online booking (for example, the reminder sending time).

To edit these setting, go to Settings > General > Clinic location > Online booking.

  • Do not show duration to clients: When this setting is selected, the duration of the appointment is not shown in the confirmation and reminder messages. Only the start time is included.

  • Do not show veterinarian's name to clients: When this setting is selected, the name of the appointment's responsible employee is not shown in the confirmation and reminder messages.

  • Email message: In this field, you can add a message that is used in confirmation email messages sent to clients when they book an appointment online.

  • Send SMS confirmation: When this setting is selected, an SMS confirmation message is sent to clients when they book an appointment online. The message text is defined in the default settings or appointment reason specific settings.

  • Send email copy to clinic location: When this setting is selected, a copy of the client's confirmation email message is sent to your clinic location's email address.


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