Consolidated Invoices: Overview and Settings


A consolidated invoice combines multiple invoices into a single invoice. For example, if a patient has a condition that requires frequent visits and ongoing treatments, the related invoices can be combined and the client can pay them in one go as agreed. Payments are added to consolidated invoices in the same way as to regular invoices.

If the original invoices included in a consolidated invoice contain existing payments, the payments are transferred to prepayments and used on the consolidated invoice if prepayments are enabled. If prepayments are not in use, the invoice payments remain on the original invoices.

Note that invoices that have been consolidated can no longer be edited. For example, it is not possible to create a credit note for an invoice that is part of a consolidated invoice. However, consolidated invoices can be revoked, after which you can edit the original invoices again.


Only invoices from the same clinic location can be consolidated.


Settings > General > Clinic location > Clinic location settings

  • Disable consolidated invoices: When selected, it is not possible to create new consolidated invoices.

  • Include consolidated invoices on print by default: When selected, the original invoices are included on the consolidated invoice printout by default. Users can change this selection on the consolidated invoice page.

  • Allow revoking consolidated invoices older than the current month: When selected, it is possible to revoke consolidated invoices that have an invoice date before the current month. When not selected, consolidated invoices with an invoice date before the current month cannot be revoked.

Settings > General > Clinic location > Invoices

  • Prefix for the consolidated invoices: You can define a prefix that is added to consolidated invoices. Note that editing the prefix resets invoice numbering. If no prefix is defined, consolidated invoices use the prefix from the original invoices they consolidate.

    To add an additional prefix tag, select the plus button. The prefix tag is shown above the invoice number on the invoice printout. Editing the tag does not affect invoice numbering or any already finalised invoices.


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