View and Manage Treatment Plans in Mobile App

The treatment plan functions are available in the Provet Cloud mobile app if your clinic has the digital whiteboard premium subscription with treatment plans.

Select the treatment plans page in the bottom navigation bar.


View Upcoming and Started Treatment Plans

On the Upcoming page, you can view all planned and prepared treatments plans. You can use the filters at the top of the page to show treatment plans by the assigned veterinarian, assigned nurse, time frame, and status (planned and/or prepared).

On the Started page, you can view all treatment plans marked as started. You can use the filters at the top of the page to show treatment plans by the assigned veterinarian, assigned nurse, and time frame.

Note that you can scroll the filter rows sideways if all filters do not fit on the device's screen.

To view the consultation reason of a specific patient, tap the small arrow in the upper right corner of the patient row to extend the row information.

To view a specific patient's treatment plans and basic patient information, tap the patient profile image (or the patient's name when the row is extended).

Edit Treatment Plans

  1. Go to the Upcoming or Started page to view treatment plans.

  2. Tap a treatment plan item to view the item information in detail.

  3. To edit the item information, tap the Edit button in the top right corner.

  4. Edit the treatment plan item information as needed.

  5. Tap Save .

Mark a Planned Item as Prepared, Started, Done, or Skipped

You can change the status of a planned item either in the main treatment plans list or on a patient page.

  1. Go to the Upcoming page to view planned treatment items.

  2. Tap the Planned status label next to the treatment plan item you wish to modify.


Update Future Treatment Plan Timings

  1. Go to the Started page to view treatment plans that have already begun.

  2. Tap the Started status label next to the treatment plan item you wish to modify.

  3. From the Change Status menu, select the appropriate status for the treatment plan item (Prepared, Started, Skipped, or Done).

  4. If the treatment plan item's scheduled time has already passed, a dialog will appear prompting you to adjust the timing for the remaining items in the treatment plan. Select Yes to apply the time shift for future items in the plan.


View Patients with Active Consultations

On the Patients page, you can view all patients with active consultations in the department. You can use the filters at the top of the page to show the consultations by the assigned veterinarian, assigned nurse, and ward.

To view a specific patient's treatment plans and basic patient information, tap the patient in the list. You can view the patient's Upcoming (planned and prepared), Started, and Completed (done or skipped) treatment plans. The date and time when an item was marked as done and the initials of the person who performed the action are shown for done items. Skipped items show the planned date and time.

On the Overview page, you can add personal notes. The personal notes are not saved to the patient record in Provet Cloud but only locally in your app. You can use the notes to, for example, replace your to-do sticky notes and other paper slips.


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