Use Medicine, Food, and Supply Refills

Refills allow the client to receive the same item without having to consult a veterinarian. You can view and use a client's currently active refills on the client's page.

  1. On the client's page, you can select a refill either in the Refills panel on the right-hand side of the page or on the Treatments tab:

    • In the side panel: Select the shopping cart button.

    • On the Treatments tab in the Refills section: In the Actions column at the end of the refill row, select the button with three dots and then select Add to counter sale from the pop-up menu.

  2. The Add to counter sale dialogue opens. Review and fill in the refill information.

    • The Quantity field shows the number of units or packages approved for each refill. The Refills field shows the total number of available refills and the number of remaining refills. These fields cannot be edited.

    • Add the number of refills you want to use in the Refills usage field. The quantity has to be within the limits of the remaining number of refills. For example, if 1 out of 3 refills has been used (2/3 remain), you cannot use more than 2 refills.

    • Fill in any additional information. Any previous instructions are available by default and you can edit them if necessary.

  3. Select Continue. The counter sale page opens. Complete the counter sale as usual.


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