View Microchip Registration Information and Log

Successful Registration

When registering a microchip number has finished successfully, the View Receipt button appears in the registration dialogue. The button opens a registration receipt on a separate tab. 

You can later open the registration receipt from the download button next to the Microchip field on the Patient details tab of the client and patient page.

When a microchip number has been registered successfully, the microchip icon shown in various places in Provet Cloud is green.

Failed Registration

If registering a microchip number fails, an error message is shown in the registration dialogue. An orange information icon is also shown next to the microchip number on the Patient details tab of the client and patient page, and the microchip icon shown in various places in Provet Cloud is orange.

Registration may fail, for example, if the microchip number does not match with a supported microchip database or if the same microchip number has already been registered

When microchip registration fails, a task is created automatically either for you (the user who attempted the registration) or for another user defined as the responsible person for microchip registrations in the VetEnvoy integration settings. You can view more information about microchip registration attempts in the microchip registration log. If you cannot correct the error and register a microchip successfully, contact Provet Cloud Support.

View Duplicate Microchip Numbers

Select the pen button next to the Patient details section title on the client and patient page to go to the patient details editing page. Then select the Show duplicates button in the red error message box at the top of the page. 

Microchip Registration Log

If you have the required permissions, you can view all microchip registrations and their statuses in Settings > Integrations > VetEnvoy connection under Microchip register log

  • Registered: Successful registration.
  • In progress: Registration is currently in progress.
  • Failed: Registration failed.

The Details column includes a link to the registration receipt when the registration was successful or shows information about the error when a registration failed.

See Also

Check If a Microchip Number Has Been Registered

Register a Microchip Number


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