Replace Items During a Consultation

Depending on the health plan general settings, it may be possible to replace items included in a health plan during a consultation. You can do this when you add health plan items from the health plan dialogue.

If an item is out of stock or the stock is low, you will see a warning icon next to the item in the health plan dialogue. To view information about the stock level, hover over the icon.

To replace an item, select the Replace item link and find another item using the search field that appears. If you want to cancel your selection, select the Use original item link.


On the consultation page, a replacement icon is shown next to the health plan icon. To see which item was replaced, hover over the icon.


See Also

Add Health Plan Items Directly to Consultation Items

Add Items from the Health Plan Dialogue

Return Unused Items to the Health Plan

Add a Patient to a Health Plan

Managing Health Plan Subscriptions

Overview of Health Plans


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