Depending on the diagnostic imaging settings in your Provet Cloud, you may be able to create draft or 'planned' diagnostic imaging referrals for patients without an appointment or an active consultation. You can then link a planned diagnostic imaging referral to a new appointment or an active consultation.
Add a Planned Diagnostic Imaging Referral for a Patient Without an Appointment
Go to the patient's page > Imaging tab.
Select Add diagnostic imaging plan.
From the Equipment list, select the device you want to send the referral to.
Select the target areas (parts of the animal that are to be imaged). Depending on your settings, either the basic workflow or the enhanced workflow options are available.
Basic workflow: Select the target area from the Selected diagnostic list. Use the plus button to add more target areas.
Enhanced workflow: Select a category from the list below the selected equipment. The subcategories and projections included in the category open to the right. Select the projections you want to include in the referral.
Select a Veterinarian. In addition, you can add Request remarks for the diagnostic imaging team in your clinic or hospital and select a planned Date and Time for the referral. If you select a Ward for the planned diagnostic imaging referral, it can be changed later for the linked appointment or consultation.
Select Save.
Add a Planned Diagnostic Imaging Referral to a New Appointment
If a patient has a scheduled appointment which has not yet been marked as arrived, you can add a planned diagnostic imaging referral to the patient through the appointment details.
Open the appointment and select Add diagnostic imaging plan.
Fill in the information as above.
To link the planned diagnostic imaging referral to the appointment, open the appointment again, select Select diagnostic imaging plan, and the select the planned diagnostic imaging you created.
When you mark the appointment as arrived, the linked diagnostic imaging referral is added to the consultation and its status changes to 'In progress'.
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