Overview of Medicine Handling and Injection Fees

You can add handling and injection fees to medicine items to cover the costs of handling the medicine or administering the medicine to a patient. To adjust these fees on medicine item, you need the required permissions.

A handling fee can be applied to administered and dispensed medicines in consultations or to medicines sold through counter sales. You can use separate handling fees for full and partial packages. For example, you may want to have one handling fee for handling and selling a medicine item as a full package, but a bigger fee when you sell only 4 tablets out of a package as this requires more work in packaging, labelling, and printing instructions.

An injection fee can be applied only to medicines administered in consultations. An injection fee can be a fixed for the medicine item regardless of the administered quantity or added per used unit.

For administered medicines, handling and injection fees can be used in combination.

The general handling and injection fee settings and default fees can be set in the department settings. For each medicine item, you can then use the default fee or add their own, individual handling or injection fee in the item settings. The medicine item settings can be edited and updated also using the import and pricing tools.

Required Permissions

Settings > Users > Permission groups:

  • Handling and injection fees of items: Users that have 'write' permissions can edit handling and injection fees on medicine items.

Overview of Handling Fee Setup

  1. Select if you want to use handling fees for full and/or partial packages.

  2. Decide if you want to use default handling fees.

    • You can set default fees for full and partial packages. The fees can be fixed or percentage-based.

  3. Define how you want handling fees to be added to invoices.

    • You can have the handling fee included in the medicine price or added as a separate item row on the invoice.

    • You can apply the handling fee by default to dispensed medicines, administered medicines, or both.

    • You can allow users to select whether they want to add a handling fee when adding a medicine during a consultation or in a counter sale.

  4. Define the handling fee settings for individual medicine items.

    • You can use the default handling fee or add each medicine item their own handling fee.

    • You can add separate handling fees for full and partial packages.

Overview of Injection Fee Setup

  1. Define how you want injection fees to be calculated.

    • You can use a fixed fee to apply a single, set fee that does not depend on the administered quantity, or a unit-based fee to calculate the fee based on the used quantity.

  2. Decide if you want to use a default injection fee.

    • If you use a fixed fee, you can set a default injection fee.

  3. Define how you want the injection fee to be added to invoices.

    • You can have the fee included in the medicine price or added as a separate item row on the invoice.

  4. Define the injection fee settings for individual medicine items.

    • You can use the default injection fee or add each medicine item their own injection fee.


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