Complication Report Settings

Department Settings

Settings > General > Department > Complication report

This section is available in your department settings if the complication report feature has been enabled in your Provet Cloud. For more information about complication reports, see Creating Complication Report Categories and Subcategories.

  • Complication reports enabled: When this setting is selected, complication reports can be created.
  • Add tags on complication report create: In this field, you can add tags which will be added to the patient automatically when a complication report is created.

Creating Complication Report Categories and Subcategories

Complication reports can be used to track complications for your clinic. You can set up two-level tracking using categories and subcategories, for example, a category 'Medicine side-effects' with subcategories 'Vomiting', 'Diarrhea', etc. You can decide and set up the categories and subcategories according to your national or local legislation and based on how you want to track complications at your clinic.

Note that there are currently no clinic-level complication reports in Provet Cloud; it is only possible to view complication reports for individual patients on the patient page. However, you can set up clinic-level reporting via an API and data warehouse if needed.

1. Create a complication report category list.

  1. Go to Settings > Items & Lists > Lists and select + Add list. A dialogue opens.
  2. From the Type drop-down list, select Complication report category.
  3. In the Name field, type a recognisable name for the list.
  4. Select Save. The list is saved in the Lists table.
  5. To make the list available for use, find the list in the table and select the Activate button at the end of the list row.

2. Add complication report categories to the list.

  1. Find the complication report category list in the in the Lists table and select the blue list name hyperlink. The list page opens.
  2. Select + Add item. A dialogue opens.
  3. In the Code field, you can add an optional code for the complication report category. The code is for internal use and can be any identifier you want to use. If codes are used, they must be unique within the list.
  4. In the Label field, type the complication report category name.
  5. Select Save.

3. Create a complication report subcategory list.

  1. Go to Settings > Items & Lists > Lists and select + Add list. A dialogue opens.
  2. From the Type drop-down list, select Complication report subcategory.
  3. From the Complication report category list, select the category that this subcategory list belongs to. Note that the complication report category list must be activated before its categories are available for selection in this list (see step 5 in 1. Create a complication report category list.).
  4. In the Name field, type a recognisable name for the list.
  5. Select Save. The list is saved in the Lists table.
  6. To make the list available for use, find the list in the table and select the Activate button at the end of the list row.

4. Add complication report subcategories to the list.

Find the complication report subcategory list in the in the Lists table and add complication report subcategories in the list in the in the same way as complication report categories.

After saving a complication report subcategory, you can add attachments to the subcategory. Select the document button (a) on the subcategory row and add files in the dialogue.

To edit a complication report category or subcategory after saving, select the pen button (b) on the row. To delete a complication report category or subcategory, select the trashcan button (c). Note that you cannot edit or delete a complication report category or subcategory information after they have been used.

You can also archive a complication report category or subcategory using the Archive button (d). Archived items cannot be selected for use, but old references remain.


User Permissions

Settings > Users > Permission groups

  • Can access / edit complication reports: This setting controls the availability of complication report functionality for user permission groups.

See Also

Add a Complication Report

Edit or Delete a Complication Report


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