Manage Lists

To find the lists available in your system, go to Settings > Items & Lists > Lists. You can search for lists using the Search text field or use the Filter options to view all lists, active lists, or custom lists (lists that are not included in Provet Cloud by default but have been custom created).

Edit a List

To edit a list, select the pen button on the list row. Note that if the list contains items, you can edit the list name but not change the list type.

To edit list items, select the list name link to open the list page.

Delete a List

To delete a list, select the x button on the list row. Note that if the list contains items or has been used, the list cannot be deleted.

Activate or Deactivate a List

To make a list available for use, select the Activate button on the list row. Note that only a single list of a specific type can be active at a time. If you want to activate a new list, the old list must be deactivated.

If you want to remove a list from use but still keep it available so that it can be activated again if needed, select the Deactivate button on the list row. A list can be deactivated at any time, but be careful as some list types may affect third-party integrations and other critical functions.


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