The following tables list the settings available for laboratory items.
Field / Option |
Description |
Laboratory analysis |
Laboratory analysis panel |
Name |
The name of the item. This information is required. |
X |
X |
Analysis method |
The equipment used to perform the laboratory test |
X |
X |
Is favorite |
This option is available if enabled in the clinic location settings. Items marked as a favorite are shown by default when requesting a diagnostic through a consultation. |
X |
X |
Print Name |
The print name to be shown on client-facing documents and can be edited on the invoice page. If you do not add a print name, the Name is used on printouts instead. |
X |
X |
Code |
The item code can be used in searching for the item. The code can be changed at any time. |
X |
X |
Barcode |
The barcode can be used in searching for the item. |
X |
X |
Measurement unit |
The measurement unit for an item related to a value that is measured, for example, mg/dL. |
X |
External reporting codes |
Custom reporting codes can be read or modified through the Provet Cloud Rest API. |
X |
X |
Internal instructions |
Notes added here are shown only in the item dialogue when the item is added to a consultation. You can use this, for example, to add any information that may be important to know before taking the laboratory sample (for example, e.g. "Patient must be fasted."). |
X |
X |
Field / Option |
Description |
Laboratory analysis |
Laboratory analysis panel |
Item list |
The item list you want to connect the item to. |
X |
X |
Item subgroup |
A subgroup for the item to be categorized to. Using subgroups helps to organise items for inventory management and reporting purposes. See how to create subgroups. |
X |
X |
External ID |
An external ID of the item. For external laboratory test items, this field is filled in automatically and cannot be edited. |
X |
Laboratory group |
The laboratory group for the test, for example, 'Internal', 'External', etc. This is a custom list which can be edited on Catalog > Catalog management > Laboratory groups. |
X |
X |
Notes |
Notes added here are printed on the laboratory panel label. This can be used by inserting the [[panel_notes]] placeholder into the laboratory label template. |
X |
Haematology panel (WBC count) |
Used for laboratory panels running white blood cell counts. After adding laboratory analyses to the panel, click on ‘Map haematology items’ to map them to the appropriate test. |
X |
Sample type |
The type of sample that is collected for this test, for example, blood, urine, etc. This is based on a custom list set up in Settings > Lists & Templates > Lists. |
X |
Species |
The item can only be used for the selected species on consultations and treatment estimates. The available options depend on the currently active species list. |
X |
X |
Field / Option |
Description |
Laboratory analysis |
Laboratory analysis panel |
Hide on consultation |
When selected, the item is not visible on the consultation page and cannot be found using the item search on a consultation, invoice, counter sale, estimate, or item bundle page or using the super search. |
X |
X |
Hide on consultation search |
When selected, the item cannot be found using the item search on a consultation page but is visible on the consultation page if added from a bundle or used as a linked item. The item is also hidden from the item search on consultation invoices. The item works with bundles. |
X |
X |
Hide on counter sale search |
When selected, the item cannot be found using the item search on a counter sale but is visible on the counter sale if added from a bundle or used as a linked item. The item works with bundles. |
X |
X |
You can attach documents to be included when adding the item to a consultation. The documents can be printed out to be shared with the client (for example, instructions on reading a dipstick or how to take a glucose reading).
This section is available for laboratory analysis items. The reference values you add for the laboratory analysis are shown on the consultation page and laboratory referral page when the item is added to a consultation. If the analysis result is outside the reference value limits, the result value is shown in red on the consultation and laboratory referral pages.
Note that this section is not available when you create a new item but appears after you have saved the item once.
Select Add new reference value. The Create laboratory reference value dialogue opens.
In the Species field, select the species that this reference value applies to. This field is required.
In the Breed field, select the breed if relevant.
In the Low and High fields, add the lower and upper limits of the reference value. If you only want to add a lower or an upper limit, select the Use only lower / upper limit checkbox.
Select Save.
This section is available for laboratory analysis panel items. Note that this section is not available when you create a new item but appears after you have saved the item once.
To link a laboratory analysis item to a laboratory analysis panel item, start typing the name of the item in the Search for a laboratory analysis to link it field and s elect it from the list.
The linked items are listed below the search field. To remove an item, select the trash bin button on the item row.
Field / Option |
Description |
Laboratory analysis |
Laboratory analysis panel |
Linked items |
Items associated to this item. When an item that has another item linked to it is added on a consultation, the linked item is also automatically added. |
X |
X |
Group on invoice printout |
If selected, the item is grouped to one row on invoice printouts if added more than once. The quantity and price of the item are hidden, and the sum and the totals are shown. A separate row is created for each patient. |
X |
X |
Auto open linked item modal |
This option is available for the US market. When selected, the linked item is automatically opened when this item is added on a consultation. |
X |
X |
Field / Option |
Description |
Laboratory analysis |
Laboratory analysis panel |
VAT group |
The VAT group for the item. This setting is required. VAT groups can be defined in Settings > General > VAT management. |
X |
X |
Exclude from automatic discounts |
When selected, the item is excluded from automatic discounts (for example, discount schemes associated to a tag or item). |
X |
X |
No clinic location rates |
When selected, the clinic location rates do not apply to the item. |
X |
X |
No commissions |
When selected, commissions do not apply to this item. |
X |
X |
Hide zero item row on invoice printout |
When selected, the item is not visible on printed invoices or estimates if it has a 0 price. The selling price of the item is automatically set to 0.00. |
X |
X |
No lab handling fee |
When selected, a laboratory handling fee will not be applied for the item. |
X |
X |
Field / Option |
Description |
Laboratory analysis |
Laboratory analysis panel |
Purchase price |
The price you pay for the product when you buy it from a wholesaler. The purchase price is calculated with and without the selected VAT. Note that adjusting the purchase price requires the 'Item selling price' permission. |
X |
X |
Net purchase price |
Calculated based on Wholesaler discount %, Producer discount %, and Special discount %. This discount does not affect the client selling price. |
X |
X |
Selling price |
Markup percentage is added to the purchase price to calculate the selling price. If a markup is not defined, it is calculated automatically based on the purchase price and the selling price. Disable automatic selling price calculation: If not selected, changing the purchase price updates the selling price. If selected, changing the purchase price updates the markup percentage. |
X |
X |
Minimum price |
A minimum price below which the item cannot be discounted. For more information, see Set a Minimum Charge and Minimum Price for an Item and Overview of Sales Items in Provet Cloud. |
X |
X |
Minimum charge |
A minimum charge that is always invoiced as the item's base price. If the total exceeds the minimum charge, the normal item pricing applies. For more information, see Set a Minimum Charge and Minimum Price for an Item and Overview of Sales Items in Provet Cloud. |
X |
1 comment
There's no legende for “X”.
And mandatory fields could be marked in the tables aswell.
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