Adding External Patient Data

Find the patient you want to view on the Records > Clients & Patients page or click the patient name anywhere else it is available.

On the Communication tab, you can add external files and other additional notes to the patient's medical records.

  1. Select +Add. A dialogue opens for adding the required information and files.

  2. From the Type drop-down list, select the type of the record you are adding, for example, Past clinical history.

  3. In the Title field, add a descriptive title for the record.

  4. The Client and Patient fields are automatically filled in based on the client and patient page you are on. If you change them, the record is saved for the selected client and patient.

  5. From the Consultation drop-down list, you can select a specific consultation the record is related to. The record is then shown on the consultation page.

  6. In the Note field, you can type additional notes or a description.

  7. To add files, click the Drop files here to upload area.

  8. When finished, select Save or Save and send email if you want to send the note and attachment to the client.

You can also add files from the Provet Cloud shared inbox to the patient's records.

You can view the saved records on the Communication tab of the client and patient page. When sending patient history by email, you can also select files added here as attachments to the email.


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