Tags can be added to patients, clients, and invoices. They are internal 'flags' that are used to show critical and important information, for example, 'May bite' or 'Blind'. Tags are also used in applying automatic discounts.
See how tags are shown when they have been used.
You can view all tags saved in the system in Settings > Lists & Templates > Tags. To search for tags, use the Search text field or filter by Clinic location, Type, and Used only for. In addition to the clinic location and type of the tag, the Count column in the tag list shows how many times the tag has been used.
Client discount tags: In this field, you can add tags that are added to clients who have invoices with discounted invoice rows. These tags are automatically removed when all discount rows are removed.
Required client tags: In this field, you can add tags that are required when creating or editing a client profile.
Required patient tags: In this field, you can add tags that are required when creating or editing a patient profile.
Client "On Stop" tags: In this field, you can add tags that are shown when a client has been set to 'on stop' status.
Client tags enabled: When this setting is selected, client tags are shown when creating new appointments.
Add tags on complication report create: In this field, you can add tags that are added for the patient when creating a complication report.
Enable referral patient tagging: When this setting is selected, automatic referral patient tagging is used (see also the following setting). Referral patients receive the tag when a referral is created for them or a referral consultation is started.
Referral tags: In this field, you can add the tags that are automatically added for the patient when the previous setting is enabled.
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