You can automatically update client tags to a different debt status when sending debt letters to clients. This function is available when a debt status custom field, debt status tags, and debt letter templates have been set up.
Go to Reports > Financial > Debtors and creditors.
Generate a report. If you want to update client statuses to 'no debt', see Change Debt Status to 'No Debt' Without Sending a Debt Letter.
Select Start process in the top right corner over the report.
Select the client or clients you want to send a debt letter to by selecting the rows in the list. A pop-up menu bar appears at the bottom of the page.
From the Process menu, select the debt letter you want to send.
In the Debt letter preview dialogue, select the sending and printing options:
You can print the debt letter for everyone, send the letter by email to those clients that have an email address saved in Provet Cloud and print the letter for the rest, or print the letter for everyone and send an email to those who have an email address.
You can attach the invoices from the selected time period to the letter.
You can attach a treatment overview to the email.
To know what the last debt letter the clients received was, you can select Mark as processed. The letter is saved in the clients' notes and communications list on the Communications tab of the client page.
Select Process. The tag that corresponds to the debt status of the debt letter is automatically updated to the clients.
Debt status shown on the client page:
When generating the debtors and creditors report, select the No debt option under Show. This lists the clients who have paid their their debt but have a debt tag other than the default 'no debt' status.
Proceed as above, but select your 'no debt' option in step 5. The debt letter sending options will not available if your 'no debt' debt letter was set up to not send a debt letter.
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