Manage Discount Schemes in Pricing Tool

Existing discount schemes cannot be imported from Provet Cloud to the Pricing Tool, but must be recreated in the Pricing Tool. After discount schemes have been exported from the Pricing Tool to Provet Cloud, do not make any changes to them in Provet Cloud. Discount schemes are not updated from Provet Cloud to the Pricing Tool and any changes made in Provet Cloud are overwritten the next time the discount schemes are published from the Pricing Tool.

Find and Edit Discount Schemes in Pricing Tool

Discount schemes are listed on the Discount schemes page.

  • You can search for discount schemes using the text search field or select a time period to find discount schemes that start at or before and/or end at or before a specific date and time.

  • From Filter columns, you can select the columns you want to include in the list.

To view and edit a discount scheme, select the View discount scheme link at the end of the discount scheme row.

Create a New Discount Scheme in Pricing Tool

  1. In the pricing tool, go to the Discount schemes page.

  2. Select Add discount scheme in the upper right corner of the page. The New discount scheme page opens.

  3. Under General information:

    • Add a Name for the discount scheme.

    • Add a Default discount percentage and a Minimum sum that is required before the discount can be applied.

    • You can add additional information about the discount for the staff in the Internal notes field. For example, for a military discount, you can instruct that the client must show their ID before the 'Military' tag can be applied.

  4. Under When, define when the discount is applied. You can use this, for example, for monthly discounts such as a 'Dental month'.

    • You can add a Start date and End date for the discount scheme.

    • You can also add a more specific rule: For Rule type, select Not valid or Valid only, and then add the Weekdays that the rule will apply to with Start time and End time. For example, you can set a rule to apply only on Mondays from 8:00 to 15:00.

    • To add more rules, select Add rule.

  5. Under To whom, define who the discount applies to.

    • For Rule type, you can select Tags, Species, or All clients. For example, if you select Tags as the rule type, you can add specific tags that the discount applies to (e.g. 'senior' or 'rescue'), and all clients or patients with the tag will get the discount. Note that you must create the tags in Provet Cloud first to be able use them for discounts. Tags are imported from Provet Cloud to the Pricing Tool every night. If a new tag is not visible or a deleted tag is still visible, contact Provet Cloud support to import the list again. Note that only client and patient tags available for all clinic locations can be used for the rules.

    • To add more rules, select Add rule. Note that if you have already added a rule for a tag, you cannot select the tag again.

  6. Under Items, define the items that will be discounted and the discount percent. At least one item rule is required.

    • Depending on the Rule type, you can define rules for different item types, item subgroups, specific items, or fixed price templates saved in your Provet Cloud.

    • If the default discount and a rule discount differ, the bigger discount will be applied.

    • To add more rules, select Add rule.

  7. Select which clinic locations the discount scheme will be available for in Provet Cloud: In the upper right corner of the page, select Enabled clinic locations, then turn on the toggles for the clinic locations you want to enable for the discount scheme and select Confirm selection.

  8. Select Save discount scheme.



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