Manage Items in Pricing Tool

Find and Edit Items in Pricing Tool

You can view items on the Products page.

  • You can search for items using the Search an item field. The search searches from the filtered list.

  • You can filter items using the item type filter (Procedures, Medicines, Supplies, Food, or Laboratories) and the status filters (Active, Archived, or All).

  • From Show advanced search, you can open additional options to:

    • Filter items from a specific item subgroup.

    • Filter items last modified after or before or specific date and time.

    • Exclude items with a missing markup percentage, consider missing markup percentage as 0%, or show only items with a missing markup percentage.

    • Filter items with a markup percentage higher or lower than a specified value.

To view and edit an item, select the View item link at the end of the item row. All item details and settings can be edited except the item code. For more information, see Add a New Item Manually in Pricing Tool.


Add a New Item Manually in Pricing Tool

  1. Go to the Products page and select Add a new item in the upper right corner of the page.

  2. Select the item type (Procedure, Medicine, Supply, Food, Laboratory Analysis, or Laboratory Analysis Panel).

  3. Add the item details and settings. All other settings except department specific prices are common to all departments.

    • The available fields depend on the item type. For more information, see:

    • If you select Discontinued product under Stock options (1), the remaining stock of the item can be used, but the item cannot be ordered anymore in Provet Cloud.

    • Under Other settings, you can select Categories for the item (2). Categories can be used, for example, to apply category-related settings when publishing the item to Provet Cloud. For more information, see Add or Remove Items from Categories in Pricing Tool.

    • Under Department specific prices (3), you can set different prices for the item in different departments and activate the item for the departments. From Filter columns, you can select the fields you want to define. See also Set a Department-Specific VAT for an Item in Pricing Tool.

      If an item is included in a category that is enabled for specific departments with default percentages set, the department settings and department specific percentages are used from the category settings and cannot be edited in the item settings.

    • If you want to update linked item associations in Provet Cloud, select Update Provet Cloud linked items under Publication settings (4). Note that if the item has a linked item in Provet Cloud and the linked item is not defined in the Pricing Tool, the linked item is removed.

  4. You can add a Publication release note for the item update release (5).

  5. Depending on whether you want to publish the item to Provet Cloud immediately or schedule the release, select Save and publish immediately or Save and schedule release (6). For more information, see Publish Items to Provet Cloud.


Set a Department-Specific VAT for an Item in Pricing Tool

In the Pricing Tool, you can set a different VAT for the same item in different departments in Provet Cloud.

  1. Go to the Products page and open the item you want to edit or add a new item.

  2. Under General pricing information, set the default VAT for the item.

  3. Under Department specific prices, check that the Applied VAT column is shown. If not, you can add it from the Filter columns list.

  4. In the Applied VAT column, select the VAT you want to apply for the different departments. Note that the selected VAT has to be available for the department in Provet Cloud.

  5. Depending on whether you want to publish the item to Provet Cloud immediately or schedule the release, select Save and publish immediately or Save and schedule release. For more information, see Publish Items to Provet Cloud.



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