Use Text Templates

You can use text templates with various functions, such as clinical notes, discharge instructions, medicine instructions, or client communications. When text templates can be used, the Text templates button is available with the function, for example, above the clinical notes or discharge instructions sections on the consultation page.

  1. Select the Text templates button. A list of available text templates opens.

  2. Find the template you want to use.

    • You can filter the list to show Shared, Own (only available to you), or All templates.

      • All: Shows user-specific templates and templates accessible to the active department and all departments.

      • Shared: Shows templates shared within the active department and those shared across all departments.

      • Own: Shows templates created by the user themself via Create own template or Settings > Lists > Template when the user has exclusively selected themself as the user.

    • You can search for templates using the Search text field and select whether you want to search based on the template Title or Title & text.

    • For clinical notes: From the drop-down list, you can select the note type you want to view.

    • If you want to create and use your own template, select the Create own text template button. This function is available if enabled in the department settings. If this setting is selected, the user sees all templates and is able to create a template. If this setting is not selected, the user will only see shared templates and templates accessible across all departments. <<Read more about creating and editing text templates.>>

  3. Select Add.

  4. If the template includes text input fields or options, fill in the information and select Save. You can also select Save Draft if you want to still edit it later.

Example: Filling in placeholders and options


Example: Text template used for medicine item within a consultation


Example: Text template used for discharge instructions within a consultation



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