Clients can give feedback using a numeric scale from 0 to 10 or by selecting from a range of happy faces. These ratings are converted into Net Promoter Score s (NPS).
Depending on the client feedback settings, client feedback may show on the consultation page after the consultation has been finalised.
To view your client feedback survey results, go to Reports > Communication > Feedback.
The feedback report includes two sections: Summary and Detailed summary .
Summary provides an overview of feedback collected within the selected Time period and Department .
When the 'happy faces' feedback type is selected, the report shows the percentage of ratings for each face.
When the 'NPS-EU' or 'NPS' feedback type is selected, the ratings are grouped into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.
A graph with stacked values illustrates the distribution of each rating and the percentage breakdown of the NPS groups.
You can review the clients’ feedback comments and filter the comments based on the specific categories of Promoters , Passives , and Detractors .
Detailed summary provides a more in-depth analysis, a graph showing the percentage of each happy face received and more filtering and grouping options.
Note that when the report is first created, the content of the report is saved for 10 minutes on our server. If the report is generated with no changes to the filters during this time period, the saved content is shown to improve performance. You can see the original date and time of the content at the beginning of the report.
To generate the detailed summary report:
Select the Start and End date of the time period from which you want to view data. Note that the selected time period reflects the consultation visit dates to which feedback has been given, not the date the feedback was given by the client.
Select the Veterinarian(s) whose consultation visit feedback you want to view.
Select the Department(s) and Department group(s) (if used) whose feedback you want to view.
Select a grouping option. You can group the data by Department, Veterinarian, or Consultation to show details about the feedback for each consultation.
Select Generate report.
The survey results are shown as percentages, a graph, and a data table.
The NPS percentage is the percentage clients are likely to recommend a clinic to a friend or colleague. The ideal percentage is 100%. NPS is calculated based on the percentage of 'promoters' minus the percentage of 'detractors' using a specified rating scale. In the example below, a rating of 8-10 is considered a promotion, while ratings between 0-5 are considered a detraction. There are two positive promotion reviews and one detractor review, giving an NPS score of 33.3% for the department 'Small Animal Clinic'.
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