Set Up Your Client Feedback Survey

Provet Cloud allows collecting client feedback across various metrics through email surveys. These surveys help gather valuable information regarding business performance, visit experiences, and customer service quality. You can customise client feedback surveys and use the feedback to improve your operations or address any concerns your clients may have.

Clients receive the feedback survey with the consultation summary email which is sent after the visit and invoice finalisation. They have seven days to provide feedback, and each survey can be completed only once per visit. Client ratings provided through these surveys are presented as Net Promoter Score (NPS).

Enable the Client Feedback Function and Customise Your Survey

  1. Go to Settings > Clinic location > Client interactions.

  2. Select Enable feedback. When this setting is enabled, clients receive the feedback survey with the consultation summary email.

  3. Select the Feedback type for the survey:

    • Happy faces (1-4) : A scale of green to red smiley faces. 3-4 indicates a promoter rating, 1-2 indicates a detractor rating;

    • NPS-EU (0-10) : A scale of 0 to 10 that takes scoring biases based on cultural differences into account. 8-10 indicates a promoter rating, 6-7 indicates a passive rating, and 0-5 indicates a detractor rating; or

    • NPS(0-10) : A scale of 0-10, most commonly used in the US market where respondents tend to provide more extreme responses. 9-10 indicates a promoter rating, 7-8 indicates a passive rating, 0-6 indicates a detractor rating.

  4. Add your survey Question, for example, "How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?".

  5. In the Terms of the scale fields, add the labels you want to show for the low and high ends of the survey scale, for example, "not likely" (0) and "very likely" (10).

  6. Add the Feedback heading and Feedback message you want to show on your feedback page.

  7. If you do not want clients to give free form comments, select Hide feedback comments field to exclude the comment field from the feedback page.

  8. If you do not want to show the clients feedback on the consultation page after the consultation has been finalised, select Hide consultation feedback section. This setting also stops notifying the veterinarian about received feedback.

  9. Select Save.


Check Your Summary Email Settings

As the client feedback survey is included in the visit summary email, make sure that your clients receive the summary email.

To review your email sending settings, go to Settings > Clinic location > Summary email settings and select a Default behaviour option.


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