Use Consultation Forms

Consultation forms, such as consent forms for procedures or medications, health and vaccination certificates, and discharge instructions, are commonly used by animal clinics and hospitals for various standard documentation needs.

To add a consultation form to Provet Cloud:

  1. Go to the Consultation details section on a consultation page during an active consultation.

  2. In the Forms section under Consultation details, select a form from the Add drop-down list to add a consultation form to this specific consultation.

  3. The preview dialogue opens.

  4. With Word documents: On the left side, you can see all the placeholders you created to your Word document. Provet Cloud has automatically filled-in your client and patient information to the fields where you successfully made the mapping.

  5. Provet Cloud autosaves the possible changes you make to the form. For other available options, see Use PDF Forms or Use Word forms.

  6. After closing the preview, the form is shown in the Forms section under Consultation details. All saved consultation forms are also accessible through the History tab on the client or patient page when the Forms filter is selected.



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