Create and Manage Patient Locations and Patient Location Attributes

You can create patient locations (e.g., exam rooms, surgery) to track patient movement. You can also add attributes related to the different patient locations, for example, oxygen cage, padded walls, no bedding etc., and link these attributes to the locations.


Note that patient location attributes are shared across all departments. However, the actual patient locations are still department specific. While attributes and capacities can be applied to all patient locations, the feature to view them is currently only available on the boarding page.

a) Add patient location attributes

Note that you must create the patient location attributes before you can link them to the patient locations.

  1. Go to Settings > Department (Location) > Patient locations.

  2. In the Patient location attributes section, select Add attribute.

  3. Add a descriptive name for the attribute.

  4. Select Save.

The location attributes are listed in the Patient location attributes section. To edit an existing attribute, select the pen button at the end of the attribute row. To delete an attribute, select the trash bin button.

b) Add patient locations

Locations are organised hierarchically, with a main location that can contain one or more sub-locations. For example, the location 'Stable A' could contain two sub-locations: 'Cage 1' and 'Cage 2.'

  1. Go to Settings > Department (Location) > Patient locations.

  2. In the Patient locations section, select Add location.

  3. Add the Location name, for example, 'ICU'.

  4. Add the location Capacity.

  5. Add the Attributes related to this location (created in the previous step).

  6. If you wish to make the location available for boarding, select the Boarding checkbox.

  7. Select Save.

Add sub-locations

You can also create a patient location with sub-locations.

  1. In the Patient locations section, select Add location.

  2. Add the Location name for the parent location.

  3. Select Add sub location.

  4. Fill in the location information as in b. Add patient locations.

  5. Select Add more sub locations if needed and repeat.

  6. Select Save.

The locations are listed in the Patient locations section. To edit an existing location, select the pen button at the end of the location row. To delete a location, select the trash bin button.


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