Set a Patient Location Status

In Provet Cloud, after enabling patient locations and setting up your individual locations and attributes, you can set statuses for these locations. Statuses can be updated from the Patient Location Dashboard.


Note that the status will automatically be set to “Occupied” when a patient is checked into a location. You will need to manually update the status to reflect the current condition of the location.

  1. To enable the setting, go to: Settings > Department (Location) > Patient locations settings and select Enable status field for patient locations.

  2. Go to Patient care > Patient Locations to open the Patient Location Dashboard. Here, you can view the current status of each location, search for specific patients and locations, and filter by status. Once a location has been set up to a specific space, the statuses will update accordingly.

  3. To update a status for a location, select the pen button at the end of the row for the location you want to update. The Update patient location dialogue opens.

  4. Choose from the available statuses:

    • Occupied

    • Ready to use

    • Needs sterilization

    • Not cleaned

  5. Add any relevant remarks in the same dialogue for additional context.

  6. Click Save.

The selected status will be displayed on the Patient Locations Dashboard and in other areas, such as when changing a consultation’s patient location from the main dashboard.



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