Available in the US in September.
In Provet Cloud, you can create patient locations to track patient movement within your clinic or hospital. These locations correspond to specific areas such as wards, cages, stables, or holding units. Each department has its own set of locations, which cannot be shared with other departments.
Attributes such as 'oxygen cage', 'padded walls', or 'no bedding' can be added and linked to these locations.
You can set the status of each location, such as 'ready to use' or 'occupied', from the patient location dashboard. This dashboard shows an overview of where patients are within the clinic or hospital and the status of each location, provided patient locations are enabled in the department.
During a draft or an active consultation, you can set up both a primary and a temporary location for a patient. The patient will be automatically removed from these locations once the consultation is finished.
See Also
Create and Manage Patient Locations and Patient Location Attributes
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