Set a Royalty Fee for an Item

Clinics that operate after official hours often charge clinic location rates, meaning that a price increase is applied to consultation items due to higher staff costs during these hours. However, a general clinic location rate may not work well in all cases. For example, because the basic device fee of a CT scan device may make up a big part of the item price, a general clinic location rate would increase the item price too much. In this case, you might want to apply the clinic location rate only to the part of the item price that is based on staff costs. To achieve this, you can use a royalty fee. For example, if the royalty fee is 50%, the clinic location rate increase will only apply to 50% of the item price.

Enable the Royalty Fee

  1. Go to Settings > Clinic location > Clinic location rates.

  2. Select the pen button next to the Clinic location rate settings section title.

  3. Select the Apply royalty fee checkbox.

  4. Select Save.

Set the Royalty Fee for an Item

  1. Go to Catalogue > Items.

  2. Find and open a procedure item for which you want to set a royalty fee.

  3. On the Stock and pricing tab under Pricing options, set the royalty fee in the Royalty fee field. For example, if you add '50' in the field, clinic location rates will be applied to 50% of the total item price.

  4. Select Save.


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