Set Clinic Location Rates

Clinics that operate after official hours often charge clinic location rates, meaning that a price increase is applied to consultation items due to higher staff costs during these hours. You can set clinic location rates in Settings > Clinic location > Clinic location rates.

Sometimes you may want to apply the clinic location rates only to a part of the item price, for example, to the staff costs related part of the total item price. In this case, you can also set a royalty fee for the item.

Set Clinic location Rates

  1. Go to Settings > Clinic location > Clinic location rates.

  2. Select Add. The Create clinic location rate dialogue opens.

  3. In the Name field, add a name for the clinic location rate, for example, 'Friday evening' to set a price increase for Friday evening hours.

  4. In the Percentage field, add the percentage you want to apply to item prices.

  5. From the Days options, select the days on which this clinic location rate will be used. If you only want the rate to be used on public holidays, select the Only for public holidays checkbox (below the start and end time settings).

  6. From the Start and End calendars, select the time during which the rate will be used.

  7. From the Item types options, select the item types and possible subgroups that the rate will be used for.

  8. In the Reasons and Reason groups fields, you can select specific reasons and reason groups to apply the rate to.

  9. Select the Active checkbox at the top of the dialogue to take the clinic location rate into use.

  10. Select Save.

Set the Preference Time

Select how you want the applied clinic location rate to be selected.

  1. Select the pen button next to the Clinic location rate settings section title.

  2. From the Preference time drop-down list, select an option:

    • Consultation's started or admitted time: The clinic location rate to be applied is selected based on when the consultation was started or the patient admitted.

    • Item's used time: The clinic location rate to be applied is selected based on when the item was added to the consultation.

  3. Select Save.


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