Add a Day Note

Day notes enable staff to document and share important daily information, including details such as the veterinarian on duty, equipment status, patient-specific notes, and other critical updates.

You can add day notes on both the Calendar > Appointments and Calendar > Boarding pages. Once added, the day note is shown in both the boarding calendar and appointment calendar headers. Follow the steps below to add day notes to either calendar.


Note that you must select at least one user from the Veterinarian custom or Support staff fields in the appointment calendar to add a day note.

Add a Day Note in the Appointment Calendar

  1. Go to Calendar > Appointments page.

  2. Select the Add day note field for the specific day you want to add the note to. The Update day note dialogue opens.

  3. Enter your note in the text field, and select the Save. The note will now be shown in both calendar headers.

Add a Day Note in the Boarding Calendar

  1. Go to Calendar > Boarding page.

  2. Select the clickable Add day note field in the specific day you want to add the note to. The Add day note dialogue opens.

  3. Enter your note in the Day note text field, and select Add day note. The note will now be shown in both calendar headers.


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