To use written and phone prescriptions, edit the settings on both organization and department levels to meet your clinic's needs.
Every country has their own legal requirements regarding prescriptions. Provet Cloud includes some country specific settings. If anything is missing in your system, please contact Provet Cloud support.
Prescription types enabled: Select the prescription types you want to activate in the system (written and/or phone prescription). Note that to use the country-specific telephone prescription function, the function must be turned on in the system. If you cannot find the organization setting, please contact Provet Cloud support.
Prescription type default: If multiple prescription types are in use, select which one you want to set as the default type on the consultation page. The default type opens from the + button on a consultation and non default types can be opened form the arrow drop-down list next to the + button. Note that this also requires that the Use consultation item based general prescriptions setting (see below) is not selected.
Use consultation item based general prescriptions: When this setting is enabled, it is possible to create prescriptions by adding items to a consultation in the Treatment items section (not in the Prescription section) using the usage type 'Prescribed'. These items can then be combined into a single prescription using the Print prescription button.
Repeat prescription features in use: When this setting is enabled, it is possible to add refills for items. When an item is added on a consultation using the usage type 'Prescribed', the dialogue includes fields for refills and refill expiry date.
General prescription default quantity: Set what the default quantity of items is when they are added to a written or phone prescription.
Custom names for prescribed medicines: When this setting is enabled, a text field for adding a custom name is included in the dialogue when adding medicines as prescribed items. This allows using a general name for an item and specifying it every time the item is used, for example, to create a prescription for an item that is not included in the item list.
Antimicrobial prescription validity period (days): Forces a validity period for antimicrobial prescription. When this setting is enabled, a checkbox for antimicrobial is included in the dialogue when creating a prescription.
Pharmacies are needed for phone prescriptions. Select Add to add a pharmacy and fill in the information. If the pharmacy is used by the whole organisation, select the Organization-wide checkbox. If you do not select this checkbox, the pharmacy is department specific.
Medicine types: Select the types of medicine (administered, dispensed, prescribed) that are shown in the email. Use these options if you want a written prescription to be included in an email summary.
Also check any settings that are relevant to your country in Settings > Department > Country-specific settings.
Here you can edit the appearance of the prescription, for example, add a Custom term for medicine instructions or select if you want to Show prescriber ID on user details. If you select Autofill veterinarians signature, make sure that the prescribing veterinarians have a signature saved in their profiles in My profile > Personal details.
Note that the system also uses information from the general print settings for prescriptions. If you cannot find what you are looking for under the prescription print settings, check the general settings.
By creating templates for medication instructions, you can have ready-made texts that facilitate creating the prescription.
To create a template, go to the Text templates tab, select Add, and select Medicine instruction template as the template type. As with other templates in Provet Cloud, you can use placeholders in the medicine templates. For more information, see Create and Manage Text Templates.
To bill for written and phone prescriptions, you need to create an item that is added on the invoice.
Go to Catalog > Items and create a procedure item with a descriptive name, for example. 'Written prescription'. This item is used for billing for a prescription on a consultation or a counter sale.
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