Create a Written or Phone Prescription

When there is a need for a client to pick up medication elsewhere, you can write a written or phone prescription. You can create a prescription from the consultation page or from the Treatments tab on the client and patient page. If an examination with clinical notes is needed, you must open a consultation.

For setting up the prescription function, see Set Up Written and Phone Prescriptions.

Create a Prescription

  1. Add a new prescription in one of the following ways:

    • On the consultation page, go to the Prescriptions section and select the + button (if available) or the written or phone prescription option from the arrow button. You can also select the Copy old prescription from the arrow button drop-down menu and search for the patient's old prescriptions. Then select the copy button to copy the information from the prescription you want to use.

    • On the Treatments tab of the patient page, select Add in the Prescriptions section. To copy an old prescription, select the copy button on a prescription row in the prescriptions list.

    The prescription dialogue opens.

  2. Fill in all the necessary basic fields. If you are creating a phone prescription, note the following;

    • Select a pharmacy. The Pharmacy list contains pharmacies added in the settings.

    • If there is a fee for the prescription, add it in the Fee field.

    • If you have already informed the client and pharmacy, select the Informed pharmacy and Informed client checkboxes. If you do not select the Informed pharmacy checkbox, a task is automatically created for the prescribing veterinarian as a reminder to call in the prescription. When the Informed pharmacy checkbox is selected, the task is marked as done. When you select the Informed client checkbox, a dialogue opens for informing the client by a text message (if SMS is enabled for the client as a communication method),

  3. Add the prescribed items under Prescription items using the item type buttons.

  4. For the items, fill in the required information, such as the usage size and the number of refills, and add the required instructions. You can write directly in the Instructions field or or use a text template if available.

  5. Select Save.


Create a Prescription for an Item Not Included in the Item List

Sometimes, you may need to write a prescription for an item that is not a regular stock item and is not on your item list. Therefore, you will not find it in the Prescription items search.

You have two options to add an item not included in your item list to a prescription. Note that these require that the Custom names for prescribed medicines setting is in use.

  • You can create a generic item (for example, 'Unlisted medicine' in the image below) to use for this purpose. Add the item to the prescription, and then type the actual item name in the Name field.  

  • Alternatively, you can add any item currently on your stock list to the prescription and change the name in the Name field. However, note that using another item this way may affect future reports for the item.

Bill for a Prescription

To bill for prescriptions from your clinic, use a separate procedure item to add the prescription fee on the consultation invoice. If you created a prescription without a consultation, remember to create a counter sale to bill for the prescription.

When creating a phone prescription, you can add a fee for the prescription. The veterinarian must then inform the pharmacy about the fee when calling in the prescription so that the pharmacy can charge for the prescription and later pay out the fees to the clinic or veterinarian. Note that this workflow depends on your country-specific practices. 


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