View, Edit, and Print Written and Phone Prescriptions

You can view and print a patient's prescriptions on the consultation pages they were created or on the Treatments tab of the client and patient page. In addition, you can view and print all prescriptions of all patients on the Records > Prescriptions page where you can also filter phone prescriptions based on whether they have been called in to pharmacies and if the clients have been informed.

a) To print a prescription, select the print button on the prescription row.

b) To edit a prescription, select the pen button on the prescription row.

c) To delete a prescription, select the trash bin button on the prescription row.

d) On the consultation and client pages, you can also use the copy button to start creating a new prescription.


When you edit a phone prescription to select the Informed pharmacy checkbox, the automatically created task is marked as done.

Print a Farm Prescription

For farm animals, information such as medication withdrawal periods or food production status of the animal must be printed on the prescription. To print a farm prescription, select the arrow next to the print button on the prescription row and select Farm prescription.


Print a Prescription Based on Treatment Items on a Consultation

Depending on the settings, you may also be able to print a combined prescription from the items added to the Treatment items section on a consultation when these items have been added using the type 'Prescribed'.

  1. In the Prescriptions section, select Print prescription. The Create written prescription printout dialogue opens.

  2. Check the information that has been automatically filled in and edit or add any information as needed.

  3. Select the items you want to print.

  4. Select Save and print. If you select Save, you can print the prescription later from the Prescriptions section.



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