I have trouble connecting my screen

If your digital whiteboard is not connecting, try the following:

  • Make sure the screen is still connected: go to Settings > General > Screens and check that the screen has a green 'connected' label next to it.

    • If there is no green icon next to the screen name, select the pen button and try to connect the screen again.

    • If the screen is connected, try disconnecting and re-connecting.

  • Make sure that the wifi / wired connection on your device is stable. To do this, visit a website that shows your internet speed (for example, Speedtest.net) or open another webpage on the device.

  • Make sure that you have only one digital whiteboard screen connected to your device. If there are more than one, the additional browser windows must be in incognito mode.

  • See our recommended hardware and make sure that your setup is correct.

If you are still having trouble with your screen, please contact Provet Cloud support.


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