Day Plan

The day plan provides a quick overview of your staff's shifts for any given day.

Note that using the day plan requires that shifts are linked to wards. If you also use teams that are linked to shifts, the day plan gives you an overview of which teams your staff are working in. See how to schedule shifts.

Note that the day plan only shows the staff shift schedules and not appointment slots available for booking. You can view your staff's available appointment times on the Booking capacity page. The day plan also only shows shifts scheduled for staff, not shifts for resources.

Enable the Day Plan

To enable the day plan view, go to Settings > Department > Scheduling & Calendar and select the Day plan enabled checkbox. The Day Plan page is added under Calendar in the left navigation.

View the Day Plan

To view the day plan, go to Calendar > Day plan. You can use the following filters and options to find and view staff members and shifts:

  • Filter: To search for staff members by name, type a search text in the field.

  • Date: Select the day you want to view.

  • Wards: Select the wards you want to show in the day plan.

  • Team: Select the teams you want to show in the day plan.

  • Only with shifts:

    • ---------: This option shows the selected wards regardless of whether they have shifts for the selected teams linked to them.

    • Only with shifts (bookable & non-bookable): This option shows the selected wards if they have shifts for the selected teams linked to them, regardless of whether the shifts are available for booking.

    • Only with bookable shifts: This option shows the selected wards if they have shifts for the selected teams linked to them that are available for booking.

  • Show overview: Select this checkbox if you want to hide shift details and only show the start time of the first and the end time of the last shift of each staff member.

To save your selected filters so that the same filters are applied the next time you view the day plan, select the wrench tool button > Save filters in the top right corner above the day plan.

Print the Day Plan

If your staff rotate schedules or teams, you can print the day plan for easy reference by selecting the Print button in the top right corner above the day plan. The day plan print preview opens on a separate tab from which you can print it.


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