Release |
Permission |
Permissions area |
2.13 |
Delete client |
General |
Handling and injection fees of items |
Settings |
2.11 |
Item selling price |
Settings |
Item purchase price |
Settings |
General |
Patients and clients Delete client Consultations and its items Add handling fee on consultation Add clinical notes on consultation Delete consultations Add unapproved clinical notes on consultation Add unapproved diagnostic imaging referral reports Approve unapproved diagnostic imaging referral reports Add discharge instructions on consultation Add unapproved discharge instructions on consultation Approve unapproved discharge instructions Email unapproved discharge instructions Reminders Edit notes, discharge instructions and clinical notes made by other users Add / edit discharge instructions and clinical notes after consultation has been finalized Edit locked notes through API Mark patients as private Tasks Tasks of users from all wards and clinic locations Treatment plan dashboard Treatment plans Pharmacy widget on dashboard Clinical notes made by students My workspace Add unapproved feedback for referring vet Approve feedback for referring vet Email feedback to referring vet Add notes and communication Delete notes and communication See deleted notes and communication Set the "on stop" status and create new transactions for clients Complication reports Release notes Read all uploaded files via API Create refills outside consultation Cancel refills |
Financial |
Invoices Cancel payment Manually set the date on an invoice payment Change the invoice date Change prices on invoices Change prices on invoices on procedures Manually set the date on a prepayment Transfer payments to prepayments Transfer credit note to prepayments Credit items on invoices End of day and accounting reports Estimates Estimate bundles Insurance claims Delete insurance claims Delete insurance claims on finalized invoices Create credit note Create credit notes for credit notes Use "Credit and invoice again" in credit note modal Create credit notes from invoices with insurance claims Statements Conditional pricing |
Profile |
User profile page Personal details Profile image Change own password Multi-factor authenticators Change own preferences Theme Widget settings Calendar feeds Task settings Login credentials to Provet Cloud mobile app Other users availability information Notifications Create / edit users through API Initials User-level print settings |
Reporting |
Reports page Practice performance reports Financial reports Financial Invoices reports Financial Payments reports Financial Prepayments reports Financial Sales by payment type reports Financial Item purchases reports Financial Item sales reports Financial Discounts reports Financial Commissions reports Financial Gross profit reports Financial Debtors and creditors reports Financial Unpaid invoices reports Financial Bank payment processing reports Financial Month end reports Financial E-prescription fees reports Financial Electronic journal reports Financial Central laboratory referral rows reports Financial Central laboratory month end reports Stock management reports Communication reports Lists reports Business intelligence reports My statistics (only for veterinarians) |
Settings |
Settings page Organization settings Clinic location management Clinic location settings Access/edit handling and injection fee settings Print settings Users User groups and permissions Integration settings VAT management settings Items Create new items Delete items Item description Item options Item visibility options Item vaccine options Item withdrawal periods Item wholesalers Linked items Item stock options Item stock alert levels Item waste management Item cost centers Item pricing options Item selling price Item purchase price Handling and injection fees of items Item alternative pricing Item attachments Medicine instruction templates in item settings Reference values in item settings Linked laboratory analyses in item settings Creation rules in item settings Stock Product orders / purchase invoices Delete product orders / purchase invoices Wholesalers Stock locations Move stock between clinic locations Stock sharing settings Reasons Discount settings Templates Client communication log Shift template management Revision log Shift types User log Bundles Integration log Settings log Catalog management List and list items Reminder settings Tags Importing functions Exporting functions Subscription settings Commission settings Health plan settings Custom field settings Custom status field settings Screens Manage central items |
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