Booking a New Appointment


This article provides instructions for booking a new appointment for a client.

Provet Cloud includes shift and appointment calendars for organising your staff's daily work. The staff's working shifts are planned and managed using the shift calendar, and the appointment calendar is used for scheduling client appointments. After shifts have been set up in the shift calendar, they are shown in the appointment calendar and you can start booking appointments for your staff.

1. Add a new appointment.

To start creating a new appointment, click in the column of the staff member (or resource, ward etc.) you want to schedule the appointment for.

To set the time and duration of the appointment, you can either click and drag in the calendar or set the time in the New appointment dialogue box in the next step.

2. Fill in the appointment details.

In the New appointment dialogue, fill in the appointment information.

Required information includes Reason type (depending on the clinic location settings), Reason, Client and primary Veterinarian or Resource (for example, equipment such as an ultrasound). If the client is not known, you must add a note in the Premilinary Notes (email only) field.

Note that the texts included in the Reason and Instructions for client (email only) fields will be added to the confirmation message sent to the client (see step 3).


3. Select client email and SMS communication options.

In the New appointment dialogue, you can also select options to send email or text message (SMS) confirmations and reminders to the client. Reminders are sent based on the clinic location's booking reminder settings or appointment reason settings.

Note that the communication options and messages are usually defined according to the organisation’s policy. Before making any changes to the default settings, check your policy with your supervisor.


4. Save the appointment.

After you have finished filling in all the necessary information and communication options, select Save. The appointment shows up in the calendar of the staff member(s) and resource(s) it was added for.

Various appointment settings are defined in the clinic location settings, for example, appointment reasons, calendar slot sizes, reminder sending time, the information shown on the appointment slots and tooltips, and email and SMS settings for client communication. For more information about scheduling appointments and the related settings, see Scheduling Appointments.

To view and edit the details of an appointment, right-click the appointment in the calendar and select Edit appointment from the pop-up menu.



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