Use case
Electronic signatures (e-signatures) are an add-on feature of Provet Cloud that allows clinic customers to sign documents and forms electronically, by writing their signature on a clinic device screen or their personal device screen, usually a smartphone.
Set-up instructions
1. Contact Provet Cloud Support
Since e-signatures are an add-on feature, you need to contact Provet Cloud Support at this time to enable the feature.
2. Adjust Settings
Go to Settings > General > Integrations > E-signature and open it for editing.
E-signature integration enabled
Use this checkbox to enable or disable the feature generally.
Allow PIN code login
Enables an additional PIN code login option. This is recommended if the customers are going to give the signature using your in-house device, like a tablet computer. Refer to this article to see further instructions.
Organisation name and logo
At this time, you need to define your organization's (clinic's) name and logo with these settings, even if you have already named the clinic in the department settings and uploaded the logo there.
Organisation default locale
This lists the currently supported e-signature interface languages. Select an alternative if your department's client interaction language is not supported here.
Use these options to customise the design of the signature interface.
Default message to customer
Use this field to add a custom message to the e-signature dialogue. Each customer will see this and it's also possible to edit this upon each signature request.
3. E-signature Functions Are Ready For Use
You can now use e-signatures with Provet Cloud. Refer to the articles in the "See also" section to see how.
See also
How to use e-signatures with cost estimates
How to use e-signatures with forms
How to use e-signatures with a clinic device (PIN code login mode)
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