Client Page

One of the main purposes of Provet Cloud is to help clinics keep detailed and accessible client and patient records. The core element of the database is the client — clients can exist alone without any patients connected to them, but all patients must be connected to a client. Clients can have multiple patients or even groups of patients or herds connected to them. Relevant information, such as invoices, insurance claims, cost estimates, appointment information, patient medical history, prescriptions, forms, communication history etc., are connected to clients and/or patients.

To access client and patient information, go to Records > Clients & Patients and select the client you want to view. For instructions on searching for clients and patients, see Search Functions.

The related client and patient information can be viewed on the same page. The client page is also where you land after creating a new client or a patient or if you have selected a client or patient anywhere in the system.

(1) At the top of the client page, you can view basic client and patient data, such as the client's phone and email, and the patient's species, breed, sex and age. The top row may also display tags and other information, for example, microchip information or health plan status.

(2) There are separate tabs for different client and patient data sections, such as general details, reminders, patient history and immunisation status page. To view the sections, select the tabs. Note that the tab row is horizontally scrollable.

(3) If a client has multiple animals (patients), you can select a patient and switch between patients from the menu under the client's name.


Sidebar and Action Buttons

The sidebar on the right-hand side the page shows some important pieces of information, such as critical notes about the client and patient, reminder statuses and past spending.

Above the sidebar information are action buttons and menus. The most popular interaction is shown as a button: Counter sale for the client sections and Appointment for the patient sections. For more actions, click the Tools and New buttons to open drop-down menus.


The available actions depend on the functions used in your Provet Cloud. They may include, for example, the following:

Tools menu

New menu


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