Overview of Appointments

Provet Cloud includes shift and appointment calendars for organising your staff's daily work. The staff's working shifts are planned and managed using the shift calendar, and the appointment calendar is used for scheduling client appointments. After staff shifts have been set up in the shift calendar, they are shown in the appointment calendar, and you can start booking appointments for your staff.

Read more about scheduling and managing appointments in Provet Cloud:

Various appointments related settings are defined in the department settings, for example, appointment reasons, calendar slot sizes, reminder sending time, the information shown on the appointment slots and tooltips, and email and SMS settings for client communication.

Read more about appointment settings:

If enabled in the department settings, you can also add linked appointments to a client. Linked appointments can be useful, for example, when a patient is seen by two different veterinary specialists during the same day. Linked appointments can have different reasons, staff and time, but they can be processed with the same consultation.

Read more about linked appointments:


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