In the IDEXX VetConnect PLUS settings, space must be used as the thousands separator. Otherwise, values bigger than 999 are displayed incorrectly in Provet Cloud.
Enabling external laboratory connections requires additional set-up from Provet Cloud support. Please request the required API token from Provet Cloud Support.
Go to Settings > Integrations > External laboratories.
Select the pen button to open the settings for editing.
Select the External laboratories enabled checkbox.
Add the API token if not already added by Provet Cloud support.
If you want to show external laboratory items in Catalog > Items, select Allow editing external laboratory items. Some item settings can be edited in Provet Cloud.
Select Save.
It may take a moment for the API token to fully load. Once loaded, available laboratories based on your clinic location's country settings are listed.
Select the pen button at the end of the IDEXX VetConnect PLUS integration row to open the settings for editing. Note that you may see some additional settings depending on the clinic location country (see Country-Specific Settings).
To enable the integration, select the Enabled checkbox.
In the Integration username and Integration password fields, add your clinic's VetConnect Plus login username and password. These credentials allow the integration to send information from Provet Cloud to the IDEXX external laboratory. The results will be received by email and then need to be manually entered in Provet Cloud.
Depending on your clinic location country, the Vetconnect username and Vetconnect password fields may be available. In these fields, add the same username and password as in the previous step. These credentials allow the integration to receive results directly from the IDEXX external laboratory, import them into the original laboratory referral, and transfer them to the patient laboratory records.
Note that the IDEXX VetConnect PLUS username and password credentials must be unique to each clinic location. The IDEXX account number can be the same, but a separate set of credentials must be created by IDEXX by customer request if multiple clinic locations need integration access to the same IDEXX account.
If you want to define test pricing per individual clinic instead of using a consistent percentage margin, select the Don't add prices check this box. The integration will set all test pricing to 0.00 and users can define the test pricing in the item settings. Note that the item setting Enable manual purchase price update must also be selected.
If you want to automatically open the print window when creating an external laboratory order, select Enable automatic attachment printing.
Select Enable automatic synchronization of laboratory items to automatically synchronise external laboratory tests to Provet Cloud. If this setting is not selected, the tests must be managed manually.
In the Margin percentage field add the markup amount you want to apply when invoicing clients. If you want to define markups for specific price ranges (for example, 10% markup for 0-100, 9% for 101-500 etc.), select Use bracketed margin percentages. Then select the plus button to add the margin brackets.
Select Save.
Enter your IDEXX laboratory account number in the Account number field .
United States
You can add tags in the Veterinarian discount tag and Support staff discount tag fields to give discounts on laboratory analyses to users that have the tag. The employee discount percentage is determined externally by IDEXX.
Note that the discount tags must be added in the clinic location settings (Settings > Clinic location > Clinic location settings > Client discount tags) and then assigned to the users in their client details before the tags can be used here.
When the IDEXX VetConnect PLUS integration is used, the patient species, breed, and gender must be added in the referral so that they are mapped to the IDEXX species, breed, and gender. You can use the mapping tool to map the IDEXX and Provet Cloud species, breeds, and genders in the integration settings so that they are automatically added and users do not have to add them manually to the referral.
In the IDEXX VetConnect PLUS settings dialogue, select the Mapping tool button. The mapping tool dialogue opens.
Go to the Map Species tab. You can search for options in the IDEXX list using the Search field.
To map an IDEXX species with a Provet Cloud species, select a species in the Provet Cloud field. The mapping is saved automatically.
After mapping your species, go to the Map Breed tab. You can search for options in the IDEXX list using the Search field.
To map an IDEXX breed with a Provet Cloud breed, select a breed in the Provet Cloud field. The mapping is saved automatically. Note that the corresponding species must be mapped before mapping the breed. Otherwise, the breed list is empty.
Go to the Map Gender tab. You can search for options in the IDEXX list using the Search field.
To map an IDEXX gender with a Provet Cloud gender, select a gender in the Provet Cloud field. The mapping is saved automatically.
When finished, select Close.
On the patient's consultation page, go to the Diagnostics > Laboratory section and select the plus button. The Laboratory analyses / panels dialogue opens.
If you want to add a planned time for the test, select a date and time from the calendar in the Planned time field.
Select the + button next to the section title and find the laboratory analysis you want order. You can filter the list using the Laboratory group and Subgroup filters or use the search field to search for items by name or code. IDEXX specific items show '(IDEXX VetConnect PLUS)' after the name.
Select the + button to add the analysis to the referral. You can add multiple items to the same referral. The analysis is added under Selected laboratories and panels with sample submission requirements shown at the end of the row. If species, breeds, and genders used in your Provet Cloud have been mapped with the IDEXX species, breed, and genders in the IDEXX VetConnect Plus integration settings, these fields are automatically filled in. You can add any missing information.
In the Referral remarks field, you can add notes to the referral.
If label printing is in use, you can print a laboratory label for the referral.
If you want to create a task to a user or users, select the users in the Create tasks field. Depending on the clinic location settings, this option may be required. In addition, when the laboratory results are ready, a task may be created by default to the referring veterinarian or other users set in the clinic location settings.
Depending on the clinic location settings, the Mark referral as urgent option may be available. When a laboratory urgency fee is used in your Provet Cloud, the fee is selected by default when you mark a laboratory referral as urgent on a consultation. If you do not want to add the fee, deselect the Add fee for urgent processing option.
Select Save to submit the referral. The External laboratory attachments dialogue opens.
Complete any requested IDEXX diagnostics information. To add additional information for the laboratory, such as the previous reference number or order notes, select the Notes link below the veterinarian field at the bottom of the form.
Select Order.
If the print preview does not open automatically, select Open to print the order PDF attachment. This is the referral requisition page that is to be included with the physical sample submission. You can also print the form later from the Attachments button on the referral rows in the list.
Select Close in the External laboratory attachments dialogue.
An IDEXX VetConnect PLUS panel as well as a referral are required to receive results directly through the integration. Laboratory panels from different laboratory groups cannot be combined into a single referral. If panels are included from different laboratory groups, the referral cannot be submitted successfully through the integration.
When the results are available, they are automatically uploaded to Provet Cloud and added to the original referral as well as to the patient's history.
See more about viewing laboratory analysis results.
See how to view and connect unmatched external laboratory results.
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