Perform a Counter Sale

1. Create a new counter sale.

You can start creating a counter sale from different places in Provet Cloud:

  • On a client page, select Counter sale in the top right-hand corner. On a patient page, select New > Counter sale in the top right-hand corner.

  • In the appointment calendar, right-click on an appointment and select New counter sale from the pop-up menu.

  • On the Dashboard, select Counter sale in the top right-hand corner.

The Counter sale page opens.

2. Select the client for the counter sale.

When you start a counter sale from a client and patient page or the appointment calendar, the client is automatically filled in. If the client wants to address the invoice to someone else (for example, their personal business), select the blue pen button in the Payer section to edit the payer information.

When you start from the Dashboard, the new counter sale is created with 'Anonymous sale' in the Client field which means that the counter sale is not connected to any client. However, it is recommended that you connect counter sales to specific clients and patients whenever possible.

  • To search for a client, select the small x at the end of the field to remove the anonymous sale and start typing in the Client field. Select the client from the list.

  • If the counter sale client does not yet exist in your system, you can select New client to add the client.

3. Add the items for the counter sale.

Under Items, add the items for the counter sale. You can search for all available items using the search field or add different types of items using the + buttons. In the item dialogue, you can edit the item quantity and other information depending on the item type. A default quantity may have been set for medicine items in the department settings, and linking medicine items to veterinarians may also be required. Note that item bundles cannot be used on counter sales.

On the Sales history tab, you can view and select the client's previous sales items (see also Renew a Counter Sale).

When a client has been selected for the counter sale, you can link a patient to the items (see the next step). Linking patients to sales is useful for recording patient history. Depending on the department settings, linking patients to counter sale items may be required.

4. Link the items to patients.

In the item dialogue, click in the Patient field to open a list of the selected client's patients and select the patient you want to link to the item. If you select the Default patient for this invoice checkbox, the patient is also added to all new items as well as to all already added items that have not been linked to a patient.

If you have already added items without a patient, you can also select the question mark link in the patient column to add a patient.

TIP: If your items have barcode data, you can use the search field and a barcode scanner to read the code from the item package to quickly add it to the counter sale, eliminating the need for manual searching.

6. Add additional information and finalise the counter sale.

At the top of the page, you can add tags to the counter sale. Under Tags, select Edit to open a tag list and select the tags you want to add. The list shows the tags that are available for invoices.

At the bottom of the page, you can add optional notes related to the counter sale on the Internal remarks and Invoice remarks tabs. If you want to include the invoice remarks on the invoice printout, select the Print remarks on invoice checkbox.

When ready, finalise the counter sale and payment. Finalising the invoice also triggers the creation of the original PDF invoice (not available for consolidated invoices). If the 'invoicing' status is used in your Provet Cloud, you can also mark the counter sale as 'invoicing' for a final review before finalising the invoice. Note that the Invoicing filter on the Dashboard only lists consultations; it does not show counter sales that are in the 'Invoicing' status.

Depending on the department settings, one-step payment options may be available at the bottom of the invoice page (for example, card payment, cash payment). If the payment will be received later, you can select Invoice.

Note that once the counter sale is finalised, you can no longer edit it. The transaction can only be modified with a credit note.


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