Managing User Permissions and Groups


User permission group settings control the security, access and permission levels users have throughout Provet Cloud features. Access can be limited, permitted or prohibited to areas such as reporting, settings, financial, the calendar, and many others.

Managing User Permission Groups

To access user permission groups please follow: Settings > Users > Permission Groups.


Provet Cloud has 4 default permission groups:

  1. Administrator - access to all features and full permissions to edit
  2. Manager - same as the administrator, except can't manage other user accounts
  3. Reports - can access everything except the settings area
  4. Users - can access everything except the settings and the reports area

These user groups can be utilized with the standard default permissions or can be modified to preference. Please note that the 'Administrator' permission group cannot be edited as this user group is required to have access to all features, settings, and areas.

Editing a Previously Available Permission Group

  1. Select the shield icon located at the end of the permission group row
  2. Check or uncheck appropriate permissions
    1. Read - this feature is visible to the user
    2. Write - this feature can be edited by the user
  3. Select 'Save' when all modifications have been completed


Creating a New User Permission Group

  1. Select the '+Group' button
  2. Define the name of the new user permission group and select 'Save'
  3. Select the shield icon located at the end of the new permission group row
  4. Review available user permissions and check appropriate permissions to preference
  5. Select 'Save' when all selections have been completed

Assigning a Permission Group to a User

  1. Access the 'Users' section located at the top of the users' page (Settings > General > Users)
  2. Identify the user account which requires updating
  3. Select the edit pen icon located at the end of the user row
  4. Identify and update the 'Default permission group' selection accordingly using the drop-down menu
  5. Select 'Save' once all updates have been completed

Customisation Options

User permission settings can two very detailed permission areas: Item view fragment permissions and financial reporting permissions.

Item View Fragment Permissions

Item view fragment permissions allow management to control specific information tabs or fields within item settings versus simply allowing or denying access to all item setting information. This means management could allow access to description information fields of an item on a read and/or write level, however deny access to pricing information fields on a read and/or write level.

Financial Reporting Permissions

Specific permission settings are available for individual financial reports allowing management to control which financial reports users have read (view) access to. This means management can allow access to financial reports, and only access to a single report versus all financial reporting information.


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