To view and manage user permission groups, go to Settings > Users > Permission groups.
User permission group settings control the security, access and permission levels users have for Provet Cloud features. Access can be permitted, limited, or denied. For example, you can give users access to specific information tabs or fields in item settings, allowing them access, for example, to description information fields of an item on a read and/or write level, but denying access to pricing information fields. Similarly, you can give users access to specific financial reports instead of all reports.
If multiple clinic locations are in use, you can assign different permissions to different clinic locations for users. See how to assign permission groups to users.
There are four default permission groups in Provet Cloud:
Administrator: Has access to all features and full permissions to edit.
Manager: Same as the administrator except cannot manage other user accounts.
Reports: Can access everything except Settings.
Users: Can access everything except Settings and Reports.
You can use these user groups with the default permissions or modify the permissions according to your needs. Note that the 'Administrator' permission group cannot be edited as this user group must have access to all features and settings.
To edit the permissions of a permission group, select the shield button on the permission group row. In the permissions dialogue, set the permissions:
See a list of Provet Cloud permissions.
To add a new permission group, you can either create a new group or copy an existing group.
a) To create a new permission group, select the + Group button.
b) To copy an existing permission group, select the + button the group row.
Give the permission group a name and and select Save. The new group is added to the group list.
Select the shield button at the end of the group row and set the permissions in the permissions dialogue.
Select Save.
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