User accounts ensure that users have an approved and secure access to your Provet Cloud environment. User accounts also allow you to control feature access and user permission levels as well as define work roles to determine which staff members can be selected in different features. It is recommended that all Provet Cloud users have a unique user account with personal login credentials.
Note that you need administrator permissions to create and delete user accounts.
To view and manage users, go to Settings > Users > Users. You can search for users using the search field, or filter users based on clinic location, permission group, personnel group, or last login time.
To edit an existing user account, select the pen button at the end of the user row.
To create a new user account, select + New user.
Fill in the required and other relevant information:
First name and Last name: This information is required.
Email: This information is required. The email address defined for a user account will be the user's login credential as well as where any password generation links are sent. Additionally, any support tickets will be responded to at this email address. It is recommended the email address is active and the user has access to the email inbox.
Select Send password generation link to user's email to let the user set their password or Set password manually and add a password for the user yourself.
ID number: The user's identification number from a proof of identity.
Title: The user's title.
Phone number: This field must either be blank or contain a complete phone number including '+' and the country code.
Veterinarian ID: The veterinary accredited qualification ID number for veterinarian users.
Prescriber ID: If relevant, the user's prescriber ID number that permits prescribing medications.
Initials: This information is required.
Contact details: Additional contact details.
Default permission group: This information is required. The permission group defines what functions and features the user has permissions to use. Four permission groups are available by default and additional custom permission groups can be created.
Clinic location specific permissions. If multiple clinic locations are in use, you can assign different permissions to different clinic locations for the user.
Personnel group: You can select a personnel group for the user. The available groups can be created in Settings > Users > Personnel groups.
Work role: This information is required. Select the user's primary work role:
Veterinarian: Veterinarian users are available for appointment booking and can be responsible employees for consultations and individual invoice rows.
Support staff: Support staff are available for the same responsibilities as veterinarians if the Allow support staff as supervising users clinic location setting is enabled.
Administrative: Administrative users are clinic managers, accountants, and other administrative employees who do not handle appointments and consultations.
Technical: This role is used for special cases where a user is needed for clinic monitors, for example, when the Provet Cloud calendar or another page is on constant display on a TV monitor in a room. For more information on the setup, contact Provet Cloud support.
Virtual user: A virtual user is a user account that does not have login user credentials and is used in as a general staff user to which unassigned appointments can be scheduled.
Areas of expertise: For veterinary users, you can add information that describes the user's areas of expertise. This information is shown on the appointment calendar to help with scheduling appointments.
Qualifications: You can add the user's qualifications, such as accreditation DVM or VMD.
Active clinic locations: If multiple clinic locations are in use, you can activate the user account in all clinic locations or only in selected clinic locations.
Home clinic location: You can add a home clinic location for the user.
Show laboratories widget: When selected, the laboratory widgets are shown on the user's Dashboard page by default. Users can also enable or disable the widgets in their own profile settings.
Enable account expiration: When selected, the user account is automatically deleted after the defined expiration date.
Employee number: In this field, you can add, for example, an employee number used by HR integrations.
Default filters: If you select Copy filters, the filters selected on different pages are copied from the user you are logged in as to the new user you are creating. If you select Default filters, the default filters set in the system are used for the new user. Note that you cannot change this selection after saving the user account, but users can also save their own filters on different pages.
Many subscription features are billed based on user count so maintaining a current active user list is advisable. It is recommended that you routinely check and update your active user account list to make sure that the relevant user accounts are active, valid, and current.
If you want to remove access from a user, you can archive the user account. To do this, select the trash bin button on the user row and confirm the action. Archived user accounts are not fully deleted but are moved to the Archived list on the Users page.
To restore an archived user account, go to the Archived list, select the pen button on the user row, and save the user to activate the account.
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