Text templates are pre-designed forms for various text-based notes or instructions. Using templates, users do not need to create notes and messages from scratch. Ready-made templates are particularly useful for repetitive notations, instructions, or communications. They help to raise your documentation standards and improve workflow efficiency. When using text templates, users can also edit the templates as required.
Text Template Types
There are seven different types of templates available for different Provet Cloud functionalities.
- Clinical note: a clinical note or medical record entry made during a consultation.
- Discharge note: discharge instructions given to a client at the end of a consultation.
- Medicine instruction: medicine label instructions on using dispensed medication.
- Communications: messages to clients, such as emails.
- Preliminary note: preliminary notes made in the check-in dialogue when a consultation is booked.
- Referral remark: laboratory remarks or referral notes available in the referral dialogue.
- Laboratory result report: a notation providing commentary on laboratory results, entered within the corresponding laboratory referral.
See Also
Create and Manage Text Templates
Use Placeholders in Text Templates
If given more than 5 Single selection options, it will convert into a dropdown menu.
No escape characters inside placeholders. Workaround: use ⁄ (Fraction slash).
Text templates documentation has been updated and restructured: https://support.provet.cloud/hc/en-gb/sections/12842898241436-Creating-Forms-and-Templates
Reference to radio buttons has been edited, and a forward slash should be used to separate options within a placeholder as instructed in https://support.provet.cloud/hc/en-gb/articles/13676519073436-Use-Placeholders-in-Text-Templates"
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