Treatment estimates can be used to communicate treatment costs to animal owners before beginning procedures or when additional treatments are needed over a more extended hospital stay. Treatment estimates can be easily changed into actual invoice items. test
On the client's page, select New > Estimate in the top right-hand corner of the page. Once created, an estimate draft is saved automatically. You can also start creating a treatment estimate in other places in Provet Cloud.
Depending on where you started from, some information may be automatically filled in for the estimate, for example, client, patient, veterinarian, and appointment/consultation. In addition, you can add the following information:
Title: Optional but useful in finding the estimate later.
Notes: You can add any optional notes. If you want to include the notes on the estimate printout, select Print notes on cost estimate. The note text is added in addition to a possible agreement text defined in the print settings.
Preference time: You can select a date and time that are used to apply possible discounts and department rates on the estimate. Select Update existing items to update already added items.
Appointment/consultation: To connect the estimate to a patient's specific appointment or consultation, select the appointment or consultation from the drop-down list. The connected estimate is shown on the consultation page and you can select treatment items from it to the consultation.
Add the treatment items (procedures, medicines, foods etc.) to the estimate. To find items, use the search or the item + buttons. You can also use predefined item or estimate bundles if available. Note that if a bundle contains items that are incompatible with the species of the selected patient, these items are listed but cannot be used, with the exception of mandatory items in sub-bundles. For more information, see Create a Treatment Estimate Using a Bundle.
When you are ready, select Finalize estimate. Note that after an estimate has been finalised, it can no longer be edited. Finalising the estimate is optional but recommended when an agreement has been reached with the client. When electronic signatures are used, finalising is required.
You can also start creating a treatment estimate from the following places:
Consultation page: Under the General info section, select the plus button on the Estimates row.
Records > Estimates tab: Select the New estimate button in the top right-hand corner of the page.
Dashboard: Select Tools > Estimate in the top right-hand corner of the page.
Appointment entries: Open an appointment in the calendar and select the Create estimate button.
Existing estimate page: Select Create copy in the top or bottom left-hand corner to copy an existing estimate and use it as a template for a new estimate.
Sometimes the cost of procedures such as operations cannot be fixed before the procedure has been completed. Depending on the department settings, you may be able to show the cost of the procedure as a range on the estimate instead of a fixed price or quantity.
If you add an item using the + button, you can add the price and quantity range in the item dialogue: select the arrow buttons next to the price and quantity fields to open the Min and Max fields.
If you use the search to add an item directly in the items list: select the pen button on the item row to edit it, add the minimum and maximum prices or quantities in the Min and Max fields, and select the checkmark button to save.
Before finalising the estimate, you can still edit and delete the added items. To edit an item, select the pen button. After editing the information, select the checkmark button to save or the x button to cancel your changes. To delete an item, select the trashcan button.
If you created the estimate for a specific consultation, you can go back to the consultation from the Consultation button on the estimate page.
If you created the estimate for an appointment, you can start the consultation from the Mark as arrived button.
You can also start a new consultation for the selected client and patient from the New consultation button.
Create a Treatment Estimate Bundle
Create a Treatment Estimate Using a Bundle
View, Edit, and Archive Treatment Estimates
Use a Treatment Estimate on a Consultation
Print or Email a Treatment Estimate
Mark Estimate Items as Declined by the Client
Using E-signatures With Cost Estimates
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