Provet Cloud automatically stores SMS (text message) and email communications with clients as well as various notes and attachments added during consultations in the client and patient records. To view these notes and communications, go to the Communication tab on a client's page. Note that clients' responses to messages are not saved to the client records, only messages and notes created in and sent from Provet Cloud.
Client communication and notes are divided into different categories. You can use the filters to view specific types of communications and notes, including all, active, or archived entries. If a patient has been selected, the communications and notes related to the selected patient are shown. If you want to view the communications and notes related to all of the client's animals, click the small x to remove the patient selection. You can select a patient from the drop-down list under the client's name.
Sources of Notes and Communication Records
Notes and communications shown on the Communication tab can originate from several places:
Consultation page: Notes and attachments added under General info in the Connected notes field.
Laboratory referral attachments: Attachments added to laboratory requests on Dashboard > Laboratory.
Patient referral attachments: Attachments added to patient referrals on Dashboard > Patient referrals.
SMS and email messages: Email and text messages sent directly or from various Provet Cloud functions, such as booking confirmations, consultation summaries, and health plan subscriptions. Note that manually created and automated reminders are not shown on this tab, but can be viewed on the Reminders tab.
Shared inbox: Notes and attachments saved to client and patient records from the Provet Cloud shared inbox.
Other Places to View Client and Patient Notes or Communications
Other places where you can find client and patient related notes and communications include:
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