Using the IDEXX VetConnect PLUS Integration


The IDEXX VetConnect PLUS integration allows users to automatically generate a lab order on their IDEXX VetLab Station, from which laboratory bloodwork diagnostics can be performed, as well as results are automatically uploaded into Provet Cloud and attached to the original referral and included in the patient record.


How to Create a Laboratory Referral Submission

An IDEXX laboratory referral can only be created from within an active ongoing consultation.

  1. Access the active consultation for the patient.
  2. Locate the 'diagnostic' block & the 'laboratory' section.
  3. Select the plus-sign icon located next to the laboratory title. The referral creation prompt will open.
  4. Search for the desired laboratory panel using the laboratory group, subgroup filters as well as the search field. Panels can be searched by name or by code. IDEXX specific panels will display with (IDEXX VetConnect PLUS) after the panel name, which is automatically imported through the integration.
  5. Select the plus-sign icon at the end of the panel row to add the panel or test to the referral. Selecting multiple panels will add multiple tests to the same referral.
  6. Confirm item pricing or adjust as needed within the 'selected laboratories and panels' section.
    NOTE: sample submission requirements will display to the right of pricing information for review
  7. Complete any referral specific remarks within the appropriate informational field.
  8. Select 'save' once all referral information has been confirmed as accurate and complete.
  9. Complete the required patient information fields within the submission prompt & select 'send'.
  10. Select 'confirm' on the confirmation prompt or 'cancel' to return to the referral information.
  11. Complete any IDEXX diagnostics requested testing information & review the diagnostic order for accuracy.
    NOTE: By selecting 'notes' at the bottom of the page, additional requisition information fields shared with the laboratory appear, such as 'previous reference #' or 'order notes'.
  12. Select 'order' once all referral requisition information has been confirmed as complete and accurate.
  13. Open and print the PDF attachment, which is prompted next. This is the referral requisition page that is to be included with the physical sample submission.mceclip5.pngmceclip6.png
  14. Close all open prompts to return to the consultation page.
  15. Confirm the laboratory referral was successfully submitted to IDEXX diagnostics using the colour coding system. You would expect to see a brown coded request # as you see below.

 Understanding the Submission Status Colour System

    1. Grey: not started. Please review referral submission and laboratory integration status to ensure the submission is correctly received and submitted. Manual sending by the user may be required once test submission has been reviewed.
    2. Brown: in progress. This colour indicates the referral was successfully submitted, and testing is in progress, awaiting results.
    3. Green: complete. This colour indicates the testing is completed, and results have been uploaded through the integration.

How to Delete a Laboratory Request

  1. Locate the referral request information - either through the laboratory dashboard or during a consultation.
  2. Select the red trash bin icon or the red 'delete button.
  3. Confirm the deletion action.

Side Notes

  1. There are two results filter options when viewing laboratory diagnostics within a consultation which are shown in the upper right corner of the example below. As well as a wrench icon to save filter preferences.
    Selecting 'show requests' will display referral requests as rows.
    Selecting 'show analyses' will display the individual analysis items of a panel as rows.
    If you are experiencing difficulties locating a created referral, please check your filter settings.
  2. To reprint the requisition form, select the 'attachments' button at the end of the referral row.
  3. Referral test request information can be reviewed by selecting the bullet point list icon at the end of the referral row.
  4. Selecting the printer icon will print the referral information.
  5. An IDEXX VetConnect PLUS panel, as well as a referral, is required to directly receive results through the integration process.
  6. Laboratory panels from different laboratory groups cannot be combined into a single referral. This will result in the referral not completing the integration submission process.

Receiving and Viewing Results

Once results are available, they will be automatically uploaded into Provet Cloud and assigned to the originating referral request, as well as within the appropriate patient's history. mceclip10.png

Results can be viewed either by locating the laboratory requisition through the laboratory dashboard, by accessing the laboratory diagnostics section of patient history, or by accessing the original consultation containing the laboratory referral.

Any laboratory remarks will be present in the appropriate informational field located at the bottom of the referral page.

Any internal remarks regarding results can be entered within the 'internal remarks' field located at the bottom of the referral page.

Orphaned Results

Orphaned laboratory results are results that have been returned from the external IDEXX reference laboratory, which do not have an originating lab referral available in Provet Cloud. Orphaned results are fetched approximately every hour automatically; however, a manual 'Fetch orphaned results' button is available for use.


Updating Orphaned Results

Selecting the 'i' icon located at the end of the result row will open the informational prompt associated with the unmatched results. Here the patient information can be updated to the correct assignment. Select 'Save' to finalize selections. 

Once results have been matched, the referral data table present at the top of the laboratory dashboard will refresh with the unmatched results now appearing within the data table.


Updating Orphan Results to a Consultation

Once results have been matched to a patient selection, an additional door entry icon will appear. The orphan results can additionally be matched to an available consultation referral if one is available.

Deleting Orphaned Results

Orphan results can be removed by selecting the trash bin icon at the end of the result row. A confirmation prompt will appear confirming the user's requested action as the delete action cannot be undone.




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