Medicine reporting to DHP (Dyrehelseportalen)

DHP Rules and Quick Guide

Norwegian specific

Dyrehelseportalen (DHP) integration Quick Guide and rules

Dyrehelseportalen (DHP) is a website for registering health data, insemination and gathering of food chain information. It enables the veterinarians to report medicines used so the food authorities (Mattilsynet) and other interested parties can fetch the required data from DHP. The integration explained in this document makes it possible to report the medicine used directly from Provet Cloud. It will make reporting take as little time and effort as possible and make reporting as correct as possible.

Reporting to DHP

When a consultation is created and medicine and diagnosis are given, the consultation can be sent to an integration page and from there reported to DHP. Before it is sent, some precautions have to be taken into consideration.

Responsible veterinarian

To be able to see the consultations when entering the integration page, the logged in user has to be set as the responsible veterinarian on the current consultation. This is set in the General info section. In the image below “David Bruce” is the responsible veterinarian, and he is also logged on to Provet Cloud.


Add production category

Some species require the production category to be reported, this can be added as a tag to the customer/producer in Provet Cloud:


The production categories are set as one of the following tags:





When registering at:

cattle: choose between milk production, meat production or others.

pigs: choose between meat production and others.

chickens: choose between egg production for consumption, broiler chickens and others

turkey: choose between meat production and others

Correct production category can also be set directly on the integration page (explained further down in the article)

For other species, the production category does not need to be defined, and the drop-down menu will not be displayed.

Adding medicine

In the consultation, when adding the medicine, there are some mandatory and some optional fields that will have impact on the DHP-integration. If the consultation contains multiple animals, the medicine used will be added to all selected animals. Selected animals shows in “Pasient” section below, either as an individual animal or as a group.



Mandatory field. The date of when the medicine was given must be defined.


Mandatory field. The veterinarian added on the medicine modal should be the same as the responsible veterinarian on the consultation, this will be fetched by the integration and sent to DHP as a report connected to the veterinarian giving the medicine to the patient.


Mandatory field. The correct “Brukstype” has to be set. Only when Brukstype = Administrert or Utlevert the medicine will be reported to DHP. If Brukstype is set to Forskrevet, the reporting should be done by the pharmacies and the medicine will not show in the integration page. Administrert means that the medicine will be given on the clinic by the veterinarian, Utlevert means that the medicine is handed out to the client so the medicine is to be given by the client.


Mandatory field. The type of medicine given will affect whether a withdrawal time needs to be set or not. This to prevent any drugs to end up in human food. Withdrawal time is set on meat and milk and eggs. Ad the correct number of days in each meat, milk, egg or possibly doping (horses), empty fields are registered as 0 days on the integration page.


Obligatorisk felt. Velg grunnen til bruken av angitt medisin. Velg enten “Sjukdom”, “Forebyggende” eller “Annet”.


Mandatory field. To be able to report the diagnosis, it has to be added in the Medicine modal described in this chapter (and not the Diagnosis modal as it is normally done). This is because the diagnosis must be added when a medicine is to be reported. Also, the same medicines can be used for different diagnoses and different medicines can be used for the same diagnosis. To indicate this, diagnosis has to be set in the medicine modal so the connection can be linked. However, if the diagnosis is the same on all medicines given on an animal or group of animal on a consultation, the diagnosis can be added once on one medicine only. The integration will then automatically enter same diagnosis for the rest of the given medications.

DHP integration page

On the Patient profile page, click the brown DHP button to open the DHP integration page.

This page opens in a new tab.

  1. Use date fields on top to set the required time period, default time span is 14 days.

  2. The active and logged in users name is displayed.

  3. Current departments are shown. In the example above the user has access to two departments, but the second department does not have any consultations for this use.

Click on a consultation to select it and see the details

The only values that can be changed on the consultation in the integration page are animal type/species and production category.


Animal species are retrieved from the patient in Provet Cloud and mapped to the species required for DHP, but when using the integration for the first time, the correct species must be set manually.

Production category:

If tags with the correct production category are defined on the customer in Provet Cloud, it is automatically transferred to the integration page. If the production category is incorrect, it can be manually changed in the integration page. However, in order to save time and the number of clicks for the veterinarian, it is recommended to set this category at customer level in the consultation, then all patients who belong to this customer/manufacturer will automatically receive the correct production category.


Icons in consultation list

On the left hand side, a list of all consultations of the logged in user shows. Click “Uferdig” to show the not yet reported consultations, and “Ferdig” to list the already reported ones.


Consultation is completed. This is a Provet Cloud status, meaning that the consultation is finished and an end date exists.


Validation error


Ready to send to DHP


Sent to DHP


Rejected by DHP


Consultation is not finalized. This is also a Provet Cloud status, meaning that the consultation is still ongoing and only a start date exists.

Check and modify a consultation

Click on a consultation to select it, and the medicine information already set in the medicine modal in the consultation shows in this integration page. If a change is required, it has to be done in the consultation in Provet Cloud:

  1. Go back to Provet Cloud (previous tab in the browser)

  2. Open the current consultation

  3. Open the medicine modal

  4. Edit the to the correct changes and save

  5. Go back to the integration page (next tab in the browser)

  6. Select the consultation if it is not selected

  7. Use button “Last ned konsultasjonens innhold”.


Only scenario where the integration page should be edited is if the medicine is not found in the medicine list the API provides via the DHP integration. Then a mapping has to be done manually, start searching by entering the 4 first letters of the medicine:


Download all consultations or the content of the selected consultation

If a new consultation is created and should be loaded into the integration page as the consultation number in the left hand side panel, use the "Last ned konsultasjoner" button in this panel.


If a change has been made in Provet Cloud to an already loaded consultation, select the consultation and click "Last ned konsultasjonens innhold" at the bottom of the page to load the changes done to the consultation in to the integration page.

Send all/only one consultation as a report to DHP

If all consultations are finalized and ready to report, it is possible to send all at the same time by using the button “Send alle”. If changes are needed, select the current consultation, edit and click “Lagre og send”.


Check if cattle exists in Husdyrregisteret

When a cattle is registered, a check against Husdyrregisteret is done to see if the Individnumber exists or not. If it does not exist, a validation is given. It is possible to send a report anyway, click checkbox “Send likevel” to confirm. Individnumber field is read only and have to be in the correct format, so if there is a typo in the Individnumber, this must be changed in Provet Cloud on the patient profile, saved and downloaded to the integration page one more time for the changes to be visible. The producers id is used to check the individnumbers related to a producer, so if the producer id is wrong this check will fail.


Completed consultations

When a consultation is finalized, it is no longer allowed to add medicine to it. In the integration page, when a consultation is reported to DHP and finalized, it is moved to the page Ferdig next time the integration page is opened.


Error page

If an error occurs in the integration page, it is shown in the page showing the consultation, but all errors are also listed in the error page.


In the image above, the individnummer on the patient in consultation 132 does not exist. Click on the consultation number to open this consultation directly.

There are two types of errors:

Validation errors These errors are generated from the integration page, an error has to be fixed in Provet Cloud. F.eks as if the produsentnummer is not added on the client.

External errors from DHP These errors are generated by DHP when sending the report. It could f.eks be if indivinummer or dyre-id has the wrong format as in this image:


If a consultation consist of production animals and a cat or a dog was treated on the same farm visit, it is no problem if the dog or cat is reported on in addition to the cows. This is confirmed with Animalia.

Error on clients data

If you experience the error i n the image below, "Data error: You do not have sufficient rights to this service", you must first log on to the DHP portal and complete the registration of your user as Animalia requires the user to exist in their system. A username must be created and the user must register with a veterinary number, prescription ID, etc. linked to their user, and the registration must be completed before it is possible to send data via Provet Cloud's integration.

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Lifetime withdrawal

Lifetime withdrawal must be set in Medicine modal in the consultation, click in the “Livstid” checkbox. The middleware will then change it to -1 which means lifetime withdrawal.

In Medicine modal:


In integration page:


It is possible to mark an animal as not to be used for food by clicking check box “Not for food production” in the Patient profile. Also, when certain medicines which are marked for lifetime withdrawal are used, the “Not for food production” tag is triggered automatically.


Animals ID fields

Different species use different ID fields in Provet Cloud, e.g. a cattle uses “Individnumber” and a horse uses “Passnummer”. The logic of finding the animal ID:

When a consultation is fetched from Provet Cloud, the different animal ID fields are checked to see if there are ID numbers registered or not - in this order:

- Individnummer

- Microchip-ID

- Registrer nummer

- Passnummer

After checking these and if all of them are empty, name field will be checked.

If name consists of numbers, dashes or whitespaces only (111-22 or 222 11 or 111-2222 33) then the name will be added to the “Individnummer” in the DHP integration page.

If name has any letters or other special characters, then “Individnummer” will be null.

If a species is horse, name is enough to report on if no ID number exists.

User check

The integration will remember the logged in user when the integration page is opened, and it will currently remember it for 3 hours unless you logout or change the user. The integration then rechecks if the vet id has been changed (e.g by using “Switch user” function) after the original session was created and it will be updated if needed.

This check happens in the startup page only (the page with the Provet Cloud mascot and the loading bar). This page will only be triggered when you come to the integration page first time by pressing the integration button in Provet Cloud.

The logged in user is computer and browser specific. The user has to login one more time if the browser or computer is changed.


In the current solution of Provet Cloud, there can be only one diagnosis to one medicine.

Add correct settings

Before using the integration, the correct settings must be set.

Two factor authentication (2FA)

To be able to report to DHP, Animalia requires 2FA enabled in Provet Cloud. This feature is turned on when DHP integration is added to the system.

Country settings

Country must be Norway, as the reporting should be triggered for Norwegian clinics only. Add the setting in

  • Innstillinger -> Avdelingsinnstillinger -> Avdelingsprofil


Advanced withdrawal periods functionality

Advanced withdrawal periods functionality has to be enabled, so the correct calculation for withdrawal time can be calculated. Add the setting in

• Innstillinger -> Avdeling -> Innstillinger -> Enable numeric withdrawal periods


User settings

DHP requires Veterinær ID and Resept ID to be able to report medicine. This info needs to be added in

• Innstillinger -> Brukere -> Rediger bruker


NOTE: It is a requirement from Animalia that the user has logged on the DHP-portal at least once for this integration for work.

Production animal setting

A function indicating that production animals should be activated has to be set.

• Innstillinger -> Avdeling -> Aktiver produksjonsdyr egenskaper


And administration method and required diagnosis needs to be activated for medicines

  • Innstillinger → Avdeling → Medicine administration methode

Add required information on patient and client profile and on the medicines added

Patient profile

When the settings above are set, production animal fields will show on the patient profile. Add in “Individnummer” for cattle, this is the identification number that will be sent to DHP to identify the cattle. Different animals use different ID fields, the logic of how Provet Cloud finds the correct IDs are described in chapter “Rules”. “Stallens/gårdens navn” can be added, and it can also be marked in the animal profile if the animal shall not be used for food production.


Client profile

On the client profile, “Produsentnummer” can be added in addition to one or several “Lokalitet” with a comment. Also, this is where the client is marked as “Produksjonsdyrkunde”.



When a medicine is added, “Standard brukstype” and “Tilbakeholdelsestid” must be included. “Standard brukstype” should be set to “Administrert” or “Utlevert” for it to be reported to DHP, meaning the medicine is given either by the veterinarian or handed out to the client for treating the patient e.g at home. “Forskrevet” will be used when the medicine is provided by a pharmacist, and in those cases the pharmacy reports the medicine used and the veterinarian does not report anything to DHP.

“Tilbakeholdelsestid” options are to be found by clicking “Vis tilleggsfelt” in the medicine modal, and fields for withdrawal time will show. Add fields for meat and milk and eggs, and add default withdrawal duration in days. Doping / “Startnekt” is not in use yet as this is not currently added to Animalias API.


A list defining the medicine reasons of use types are also needed, add as a list in

  • Settings → Items & Lists → List +Add list


The lists should contain the following types


Remember to also activate the list.


Add tags to define production categories by going to Settings --> Items and Lists --> Tags. Select "+ Add" and define type as name, choose colors as you wish and choose that the tag should be used on the patient page:


The following production categories must be defined as tags:






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